Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?

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We live in a world where every single individual is struggling to survive each day, some fall by the way during these struggles, some just trust the process and keep pushing. There is something always pushing them, telling them they don't have to give up just yet, that thing is the one strength they hold on to. We all have different places, people, things or even situations that we draw out strength from, those things that help remind us where we are going and why we don't have to give up because we ain't there yet. I am clearly one of those survivals out there, struggling to find my place in this world, sometimes I almost give up, but I keep holding on to those things that give me strength to keep pushing through and keep jumping every hurdles placed in front of me.

Each time it get so tough for me, and I'm almost giving up, I hear those words I said to my mama many years ago. That moment when I looked into those beautiful eyes of hers and said, "Mummy I will always make you proud", the moment those words play in my mind, I feel like I get refilled immediately, so much energy and it helps me going again. Thought of the promise I made to my late mother of me making her proud at all times, never will I disappoint her, because she was my biggest fan and supporter while she was alive, whenever I remember, I just keep going. Each time I achieve something new, I just look to the heavens and say, "Mama, this one is for you".

So many people react to things done to them with anger, that thought of, why would he/she do that to me, they get angry and go ahead to make matters even worst. But that's not the case for me, don't get me wrong, I do get angry but not to the point of hating someone. I always draw strength from the things people say, or even do to me. I turn that negative act from that person to something positive. There is always a message in the actions we take, so instead of getting angry, I always advice myself to work in the direction that is been shown to me by the act shown towards me, instead of wasting time getting angry. In the end, I'm grateful for whatever the person did to me, because it always help me get better. Sometimes, we need a push to take some certain decisions in our lives, maybe fear of not being able to succeed always run through your mind, but the universe always have a tough way of pushing us to take the big steps in our lives, hence it present us with situations, situations where someone have to say something provoking or act in a way that end up helping us rethink our way. I always draw strength from the negativity people throw at me, I turn them to something positive and move on with my life instead of hating.

Connecting with people has always been my strong point, I always find it very easy to connect and relate with people. This helps me understand what they are passing through and how best they handled these things when the pass through them. No doubt, experience is indeed the best teacher, it could be your personal experiences or that of other people around you. I always draw strength from the experience of others, knowing what they go through and how they survive always make me understand I am not the first person to pass through such situations and I definitely wouldn't be the last. Connecting with people and understanding their story better help put my own journey inline, I definitely will not live their kind of life because I can only live my own kind of life, but I will always learn from their experiences, how they were able to get themselves back together after walking through a rough path, this build energy in me, I pick myself and keep going.

What does your streets look like? Well, I see people suffering in my streets, struggling to have even a day's meal to eat. As much as I don't see myself better than those persons, I always draw strength from things like that. Always thanking the universe that I could take care of myself and I'm not on the streets. Things I see on the streets even motivate me to work twice as hard, because I wouldn't want to be in a situation that will drag me there. Seeing these things always help me remember I always say I want to help people leave the streets, yes I do the little I can now to assist those I see on the way that really need those help, but deep down in my heart, I know the real help they want is not the note I put in their hand for them to get something to eat, but what they really want is to feel comfortable in the society. These people always give me strength, strength to keep making more so I can continue to assist them.

Have you ever imagined the type of parent you want to be? Well, I think about it everyday, and I do know I want to be a father that's there for his kids and always ready to give them their freedom. But each time the thought of parenting comes to my mind, I always ask myself, "Have you care for yourself enough? Do you think you can care for yourself and also a lady if that responsibility is placed on you? And even if you can care for yourself and also your lady, are you ready to add more members to that circle in form of children that you will care for?" All the time, these questions come to my mind, honestly speaking, as much as I want to be an awesome dad to my kids some day, I really don't want to bring them here to suffer, no child in the world deserves suffering. There is great difference between teaching a child about responsibility and a child actually suffering. I honestly don't want my kids to suffer. I draw strength from the thought of my future kids, how I want them to see me, see me as a man who not only love them but ready to provide for them. Thinking about this, about the future of my unborn kids, the thought of giving up always leave my mind.

Lastly before I wish you guys a good night rest, where do I draw my strength from or what exactly in life empowers me? Well, the thought of me having my freedom always give me strength. Knowing I take full control of my life and the situations that are in it gives me energy to keep living. Indeed with great freedom comes great responsibilities, and any man who wants freedom should be ready to handle the responsibilities that follows. You will never know your strength if you live all your life in someone's shadow, break free and discover more about yourself. Since June 1st, 2021, I have choose to be free from my dad, an amazing man if you ask me, but I can't be under him for ever. We always have our disagreement but he is always and will forever be my dad, and I know the things he does even though they vex me sometimes, he actually want the best for me. But I needed freedom, and if I must have that, I must accept full responsibility of my life. I will never know who I am if I had not taken that step, I accepted my freedom, and the last two months have been an eye opener for me. Before I made that decision, I told myself, it will not be Rosey, but I know I really needed to discover myself. How I survive each day since June 1st, has been something of wonder to me. I'm still trying to discover more about myself, I keep striking each day out of the calendar, aiming to complete 6months, and after, I will aim for a year and from there on, I know the journey begins. Knowing I am free and accepting the responsibilities that follows gives me strength.

This is my entry to Abundance.Tribe Biweekly Question asking, "Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?" This is a late entry though, but I know I still have some hours before the end of today. It's better late than never, and I feel light after typing this post, thank you for the lovely question, I'm honoured to have participated this time. You all should rest well tonight.

Thanks for reading!

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