Life Might Be a Little More Complex | Abundance Tribe Biweekly Q

You know these two phrases; what you see is what you get and the more you look, the less you see. I believe both of them work hand in hand but most people do not realise this. The first one, I've seen play out on many occasions. That first thing you see, better believe it is what you're getting.

The second phrase comes in here when we ignore what we see at first. That's why when we get familiar with something, we tend to forget what our initial thoughts about that particular thing was. When we look more, we actually see less. I hope I'm not confusing anybody. LOL


Now to the question of the week;

What Has Been The Most Valuable Lesson, You Have Learnt In Life?

The biggest life lesson for me so far is, first impression matters. Perhaps a lot more than we give it credit for. I have seen situations where we believe that our initial thoughts about a thing or a person are wrong. We get to understand more of that thing or we get to know that person better and we chid ourselves about how wrong we were, how we wish we never thought that of the situation, how amazing they are. But what we fail to remember is that our instincts, especially the first one, is almost always right.

Take for instance, someone you just met. The words they use that first time, how they receive you, their body language. Most times we don't pay attention to these things but they matter, and they are actually who that person really is. But because we always miss these things, we say that they changed all of a sudden. No they didn't, we just didn't pay attention.

This took me a long time and lots of relationships, both romantic and otherwise to fully understand. I remember what happened months ago in a little group where people come to chill and have fun. On a good day, the only thing you would see there are people having fun and joking about things in general. That day, like always, I came and threw in a joke. One person, out of the blue, decided to use a word I wouldn't use on anyone on me. There was no provocation (not that it's a justification), but at least it would have made sense. This was someone I haven't had personal contact with before.

As time went by, I forgot what happened and we eventually got to a place where we were comfortable with each other. I was convinced that this person wasn't so bad after all, that we got off on the wrong foot. But few weeks ago, I was once again reminded that I shouldn't write things off so quickly. That first impression, it hardly changes. What we see is indeed what we are getting at the end of the day. Be it work, relationship or family.

Most times, our judgment become clouded when we see more of a thing or a person. We are more attuned to good vibes so we shift to that and shut down the negative vibes we got earlier. Living in that oblivion is nice, till it's not anymore, because believe it or not, a thing or a person's true nature never changes. We are the ones who choose to see less of these things.

So yes, what you see is most definitely what you're getting. And the more you look, the less you see. We need to learn to recognise these things.

This is only my experience. It could be different for you. What don't you tell me about it.

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