Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Cycles In Your Lif,e Are Coming To An End? And What Lessons, Have You Learnt From Them?


Hello beautiful people

Today I wish to share another Abundance.Tribe's Bi Weekly Question, one that will hopefully inspire you to continue reflecting on your life, whilst also broadening your awareness. It's an opportunity to sit with oneself and really connect.

Things certainly are heating up in the world right now, with so many countries pressuring, people to be vaccinated, without any real information as to what they are injecting themselves with. We need to stand in our power, as we begin to make life choices for ourselves. We need to reconnect with our inner knowing, so that any decisions we make, are informed and conscious. Now is not the time, to just follow along.

We connect with ourselves, when we learn to listen to our own bodies, when we actually take the time to understand and embrace who we are.

So this week, I ask you......

What cycles in your life are coming to an end? And what lessons have you learned from them?

We are living in a time, where it has never been more important to ask questions. Because we need to be informed, we need to understand and to find our truth amongst all the propaganda that is constantly being churned out.


The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness and to show the importance of researching, so that we can begin to go back to a point, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. I am always telling my girls to keep asking questions, because the narrative we are told, is only ever one sided. By asking these questions, we are encouraging one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.

We all have so much to offer and so much to learn from one another and that’s why I think it’s really important to offer these questions to everybody on the platform. There is a one week deadline for answers and everyone who does so, will get a upvote of at least 10%, from the tribe


Posting Guidelines

  • Post your answers to the question in the Abundance.Tribe community.
  • Use any form of expression that makes it easiest for you to share your Truth.
  • Post between now and the 2th September.
  • This question is open to everyone within the Hive Platform.
  • Each written post must have a minimum of 400 words.
    I look forward to everyone’s answers and I hope that you all are having a great week.



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