Critical mind

Critical mind

Global approach to critical thinking
The development of critical thinking is at the center of the mission assigned to the French education system. Present in many teaching programs, reinforced by the attention now paid to media and information education, the work of training students in deciphering reality and in the progressive construction of an enlightened mind , autonomous, and critical is a major ambition of the School.

Specifying what is meant by "critical thinking" is therefore a central issue, at a time of many reflections on conspiracy, but more broadly still, on the dangers of the encroachment of consciousnesses of various kinds. It is then necessary to distinguish the fundamental attitudes which characterize it and the way in which the critical spirit is implemented. The link between these two aspects is crucial in education, since it is the practices that nourish attitudes; and that these attitudes, thus nourished and strengthened, are more easily translated into practice.
source: Article from Google

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