Untranslatable Words #15: ranorànilac

Hello peeps! @ailindigo here :)

For this 15th Untranslatable Word we're going back to Europe, especifically to Croatia, and we're talking about a beautiful word while rambling a little bit.

This week's word is the croatian: ranorànilac.

Gif by Wordstuck


I'd like to talk about this since I'm the kind of person who appreciates a lot this skill, and I think it says a lot about a person; it's because I'm not an early riser that I admire these people, plus this morning today I was having a conversation very much related to this.

ranorànilac literally means early riser, early bird or morning person. *

Today I woke up at 10 am with a bit of a headache, just like yesterday; even though I've been trying to wake up early in order to do/finish things earlier than usual, I can't do it, I end up going to bed very late almost everyday, I tend to sleep too much sometimes and I've been waking up with headaches lately; I know it's kind of a vicious cycle. I don't consider myself an early bird but a night owl instead; my most creative moments are at night, usually after midnight, when everybody's sleeping or when simply there's no people around – when the world's weight becomes lighter.

One of my roommates invited me to go drink coffee, we went to a nice café, ate a sandwhich and drank coffee, and we caught up with our lives; we talked about the covid crisis and how we're facing it, about masks usage, how the digital will just accelerate, and most importantly, how skilled you gotta be in order to be freelance, especifically when it comes to time management skills and organization. We agreed on the main difference between an 8 hours job and freelancing: the price you gotta pay would be perhaps your time, depending how good you manage it.

We didn't especifically mention getting up early is something key to freelance or time management, but for people like us who are used to following a specific schedule and consistency (just like the one an 8 hours job would give you) this is hard to handle at first at least, we agreed that it's something you just gotta get used to and master over time.


I don't think getting up early is key to success but I do think it feels totally different to start your day earlier so you can do/finish things earlier and might even end up having more time for yourself, I know it can give you a very good sensation and has its benefits; the thing I appreciated the most about getting up early because of work was that it really helped building a routine beyond my work, I could plan my day based on this and was able to accomplish my own personal tasks for the day.

However, I'm not saying being an early bird is better than being a night owl, both espectrums are just two only different ways of doing things depending on your personality and maybe other things, even though I've enjoyed the sweets of waking up early I know I've never been a morning person. I know that there are many night owls that manage their time very well just as I know my headaches are partially due to some bad emotions management I've been facing lately and that I've been showing by I'm sleeping more than I should, besides I haven't been doing anything lately, neither during the day nor night.

During our conversation, I mentioned how I consider one of my other roommates (I live with 3 people lol) so optimistic because I can't help relate optimistic personality type with early risers; I admire how optimistic he is and remember how he once critized me for not being a person who gets up early, but even though he's not an early riser either, I think he's more of a morning person than me. It was really a nice chat that made me want to go back to the old days where I used to write at 2 am and had no headache the next day, we'll see how it goes.

What do you think? Do you consider yourself an early riser or a night owl? Do you think it has to do with your personality type? Please tell me what you think!

Thank you very much for passing by! If you have an Untranslatable Word you'd like to suggest, please don't hesitate to do so! :)

Previous Untranslatable Words:

#1: Torschlusspanik
#2: Mono no aware
#3: Rasāsvāda
#4: Cavoli riscaldati
#5: Nefelibata
#6: Sturmfrei
#7: Jootha
#8: bilita mpash
#9: resfeber
#10: Vāde mēcum
#11: sankofa
#12: annus mirabilis
#13: voorpret
#14: pikit mata

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