Some beer glasses that I would call "The beginning of my collection"

We, human beings, are collectors by nature.
Throughout our lives, we collect various beautiful, useful, necessary, interesting, but also some objects, things, events, feelings, which are not so beautiful.
We collect memories, which we try to keep as long as possible through photographs.
As a child, some collected napkins, some empty beer and juice cans, some empty cigarette packs, comic books, tax stamps, perfumes...

Someone collects acquaintances, someone collects business contacts (you already know those applications on web2, whether for fun or work), and someone even considers collecting the days they live.

If we will, today I became rich for another week in my life. Although this is what I would like to collect as long as possible, but also as slowly as possible.
This Friday made my life richer for another day, for a total of 2538 weeks...
Some of them I don't remember, some I will never forget, but this last one I want to erase from my memory tonight.

I came home from work, tired and broken from the activities of the week ahead.
I sat back in the armchair, opened a can of beer in the desire to drain it, freshen up a bit and reset.
Staring at some documentary program, I thought about what thoughts to share with you today.

Although I didn't manage to write in the #beer community this week, because I only saw beer in the store and not in a glass in my hand, I didn't want to write a post again on the last day of the week about the beer I'm drinking (it's an IPA again). I'll leave it for tomorrow, like everyone else, when it's due 🙂

As I took the glass and brought it to my lips, my eyes fell on the display case where we keep some books, some drinks and also glasses.

Wine glasses, elegant, tall, on thin stems, martini glasses, liqueur and whiskey glasses, but also beer glasses.

I asked here on Hive a couple of months ago which beer glasses are best for which craft beer, so in addition to some that I had before, I started collecting some with more interesting shapes.

I'm not going to write about beer here, but about beer glasses that I have in my collection.


Although the oldest two I have are over 10 years old, the Fosters 1 Pint glasses are the most valuable to me, as I got them from my brother who moved to Scotland.


I bought these three 3dl Heineken glasses in a package with a carton of Heineken bottles at a party, and the glasses surprisingly survived that first evening, when they had their baptism of fire.

Birra Moretti

the glass was given as a gift from the pub waiter when one evening the five of us drank a lot of beers, everyone asked for the glass from the last round and the manager of the pub didn't mind, probably with the profit he made from our beers he could have bought 5 times more glasses :-)


This beautiful, "twisted" glass was brought to me by a colleague when she was at the Christmas market in Cologne two years ago, since a few days before the trip I was retelling to her the iconic scene from the Hot Wind series, when Bora tells the waiter "Give me two Kapuziners", and this "We don't have that," he replies.
Bora's face when she says "You don't have a Kapuziner?" is priceless...
and so I have a Kapuziner glass in my collection, but I don't have a Kapuziner 😃

The only non-branded glass is this one with a thick foot that I bought in a set when I started drinking craft beers and posting my experiences about those tastings on Hive.

Zaječarsko crno (black)

And one of the nicest glasses is this 0.3l glass, Zaječarsko black, pear-shaped on a short thick stem.
They told me that it is the ideal shape of glasses that retains the flavors and aromas of quality beers for the longest time. I got it from my sister who works as a bartender in a nearby cafe, she brought it to me after it was reported as broken 😀
And it is far from broken, considering how often I use it.

And there it is, proof of my collecting nature in the beginning - Beer glasses.
Everything can be considered collecting. The only question is how much it's worth to someone else.
Glasses are valuable to me, it have their own value, some are a gift to me, and some are memories...

If we soon change the showcase where our glasses are now to a bigger one, rest assured, the collection of both beer and wine glasses will increase.
Because there are never enough glasses when a small group gathers, when everyone takes one, raises it and everyone says "Cheers!".

I consider those moments of friendship valuable for the collection 🙂

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