Treasure Hunt at My Secret Abandoned Library

A month ago I visit my parent's house in Temanggung, Central Java. It's been more than a decade since I moved to another city and tried to be an independent "mature human". Just right after I moved, I lost my beloved attic bedroom in this house.

My bedroom is basically my house's attic. In this room, there is not only my bed but also my family's books collection. When I said I grew up with books, I mean literally.


When I was a kid, we are not only has old radio. We also have a cool keyer morse, radio transmitter, and an HVS player. It's not just a room where I slept when I was a kid, but it's also my "laboratory" and my secret library.

If you watch Spy Kid, I always feel like that because I slept in the library and I had lots of cool technology things that not everyone has. In that period. I mean, I was born in 1993 and nobody uses HVS player or keyer morse anymore, right?

But I have it. Isn't it cool?

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After a decade, I decided to take a look at my old room. I also want to hunt some books that might be useful for me. I'm learning English right now (I spend lots of money on it anyway), and I believe there are some English books here.

But surprised! I never thought that my ex-bedroom/my holy library would look like a haunted house like that. My mother said nobody climb into the attic since I moved. Holy crap.

I lost lots of books here. I know that I have more than that. But all I can see is just dusk and a broken ceiling that might be dangerous. I had an idea to clean this room, but I don't think I can do that at this time lol.

Too much work.


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The Samurai and The Long-Nosed Devils

It's a fiction novel written by Lensey Namioka. It was published in 1976 by Tuttle Publishing, Canada. Of course, I didn't buy it by myself because I wasn't born yet. If I'm not wrong, I got this book from my uncle who is already passed away, Haniefuddin.

Why do I take the book with me to the city where I live (I already come back to Jakarta)? First, I remembered that I had read that when I was a teenager. Believe me, when I was a teenager, my English skill is much much better.

Actually, it's a series about Zenta and Matsuzo. Long story short, you can imagine it as the Japanese version of Sherlock Holmes and Watson. But they are not a detective. They are a ronin (masterless samurai).

I like the story and I think the best way to learn English (or another language) is by reading a good book (or you can also watch series on Netflix and turn off the subtitle). That's why I bring this book with me.

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My family bought this book in London, 9 January 1987. Which me, I wasn't born yet (again).

This is a collection of humorous books about politics. I used to not understand the humor. But as an adult, I know why this is funny. So I brought this book to my house.

Interesting how age can change a person's sense of humor. The first time I read this book, I was too young to understand politics or the economy. But now, being an adult means I have more than zero knowledge about it.

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Last but not least! This book is about how to manage a people's army. It's written by Indonesian hero, General A.H Nasution and published on 15 April 1964.

It's a super rare book and I'm very happy because it looks good. I mean, it still has the cover and all the pages are complete.

So, why do I bring that with me? Of course, because it's cool. I really want to read his mind. I mean, he was a legend. Even all the Indonesian cities use his name as a street name.

I never read that before (of course). I never noticed that have this book.



As I said before, I didn't have my own private bedroom anymore in my parent's house. So every time I visit my parent, I always sleep in this room. It feels like I moved from one library to another library. Lol.

Most of the books here are mine. I bought lots of books, but I'm running out of space to save them. So I sent it to my parents' house. And voila!


I have a desk in this room. But I don't have a chair lol. I also have a smart TV, but I don't have a bed. Is it irony, right?

I'm trying to list how many books are in this room (not counting the ones in the attic), and guess how many there are?


Gezzzz... I never thought that. I've only counted half the books in this room and I have to go back to Jakarta. So I'm going to continue counting it next year.

Maybe I should also count how many collections of books I have in my house in Jakarta. Can you guess how many there are?

All these photos were taken by my Samsung Galaxy A6 (2018) except for the excel picture

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