Think and grow rich - Book review


Hello my fellow book worms. I’m here again to do my usual review on a book I just read recently. My last review was a book called David Copperfield, reading this book really gave me a big boost and I wanted to read more books like that. So I decided to search for another book. And I ended up with “Think and grow rich”. It’s quite popular I’m sure some of you might have read about it before, well I’m here to do a review about it after reading the book.

About the Author and inspiration behind the book

Think and grow rich was written by Oliver Napoleon Hill an American who was born in the year 1883. Hill as he was widely known and referred to was a man of many trades as he was a journalist, Author, Salesman and a lecturer. During his life, he wrote some of the best selling books in history some of them include Think and grow rich, The law of success and Outwitting devil. Unfortunately he passed on, on the 8th of November 1970. He was aged 87 at that time.


Hill was inspired to write think and grow rich after he was sent to do an interview with Andrew Carnegie. In the course of doing the interview, Andrew suggested to hill that there was some kind of magic law of the human mind that when unlocked, one can achieve personal success. Hill decided to do a research on over 500 hundred self made millionaires and he then came up with **Think and grow rich” which contained steps to riches.

Plot of the story

Just like I said above, After Hill carefully studying over 500 millionaires, he came up with steps or laws to attain personal success. The first step hill talked about was “Desire”. One must have a desire before you can put in the work to materialize it. Without desire to want to do something, success can never be attained. The next step was to have “faith”. Have faith and believe in your self that you can achieve your desire. This is key in achieving your goal.

Auto suggestions, Hill mentions this as part of the steps, this refers to the use of positive talks and vibes to back your beliefs and your desire to achieve what you want. Next up is “Specialized knowledge”. Go and learn the skill and knowledge that will be required to achieve your desire. Step 5,Imagination this is when you use your mind to visualize yourself actually achieving your desires.

Organized planning, make you sure have a drawn out plan and how you are going to achieve your goal. And make sure you try to achieve your goal by following the plan you have outlined for yourself. Obstacles maybe thrown your way but be persistent and keep pushing through. Surround your self with people who will encourage you to go and work hard for your desire and goal(“the power of master mind”).

The tenth step, is known as the “The mystery of sex”. You work to achieve your goal by channeling your sexual energy into making sure that you achieve your goal. Tap into your subconscious to help in fueling your rage to achieve your desires. Brain this very important as you will need to properly analyze and view your plans in other to make the right decision that will help you to achieve your desires. “The sixth sense”, trust your instincts and your self that you will make the right choice.

These are the steps Hill believes if one follows he or she can achieve success. The book is a very interesting book as it opens your mind and broadens the way you think. And i believe it’s the ultimate guide on our way to success. I think you should have a look at it if you haven’t read it already, you won’t regret it. Thank you for stopping by.

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