LA NI脩A DEL ESPEJO..........

Cuenta esta leyenda que la casa en cuesti贸n pertenec铆a a una acaudalada familia, el jefe de la cual era un marino de alta graduaci贸n, constantemente de viaje para cumplir con sus deberes de oficial. El resto del grupo familiar estaba compuesto por la esposa del hombre y la hija de ambos, una bella jovencita que estaba comenzando a aprender a vivir. En apariencia, todo era armon铆a y felicidad, pero un avieso rencor reptaba por las paredes de la casa.

The story of THE GIRL IN THE MIRROR...........
The legend goes that the house in question belonged to a wealthy family, the head of which was a high-ranking sailor who was constantly traveling to fulfill his duties as an officer. The rest of the family consisted of the man's wife and their daughter, a beautiful young woman who was just beginning to learn to live. On the surface, everything was harmony and happiness, but a malignant resentment crept through the walls of the house.
Suced铆a que a pesar de la conducta ejemplar del hombre, su esposa no pod铆a ocultar sus aterradores celos, celos para con su propia hija, a quien el marino adoraba locamente y constitu铆a la fuente de sus anhelos y esperanzas. Tras regresar de los viajes, tra铆a a su hija importantes obsequios, pero ella ped铆a una sola clase de regalos: espejos. Pronto la casona se llen贸 de espejos provenientes de todas partes del mundo, algunos extremadamente valiosos.

It was happening that despite the exemplary behavior of the man, his wife could not hide her terrifying jealousy, jealousy towards her own daughter, whom the sailor adored madly and was the source of his longings and hopes. After returning from the trips, he brought his daughter important gifts, but she asked for only one kind of gift: mirrors. Soon the mansion was filled with mirrors from all over the world, some extremely valuable.
The daughter of the couple smiled and was happy, the mother muttered in silence her powerlessness and her excessive jealousy. Gradually a macabre idea began to take over her head.
On the occasion that the sailor, once again returned from his duties at sea, bringing an exquisite mirror as a gift for his beloved daughter, he found out terrible news: his daughter, in the flower of youth, had died. His wife, between desperate tears, explained that the girl had suddenly become ill, and despite the relentless effort of the doctors, nothing could be done to save her.
La hija del matrimonio sonre铆a y era feliz, la madre mascullaba en silencio su impotencia y sus desmedidos celos. De a poco una idea macabra comenz贸 a adue帽arse de su cabeza.
En la ocasi贸n en la que el marino, una vez m谩s regresaba de sus tareas en alta mar, trayendo un exquisito espejo como regalo para su amada hija, se encontr贸 con una noticia terrible: su hija, en la flor de la juventud, hab铆a muerto. Su mujer, entre desesperadas l谩grimas, explic贸 que la ni帽a hab铆a enfermado s煤bitamente, y a pesar del denodado esfuerzo de los m茅dicos, nada hab铆a podido hacerse para salvarla.

The daughter of the couple smiled and was happy, the mother muttered in silence her powerlessness and her excessive jealousy. Gradually a macabre idea began to take over her head.
On the occasion that the sailor, once again returned from his duties at sea, bringing an exquisite mirror as a gift for his beloved daughter, he found out terrible news: his daughter, in the flower of youth, had died. His wife, between desperate tears, explained that the girl had suddenly become ill, and despite the relentless effort of the doctors, nothing could be done to save her.

Destrozado, el marino se encerr贸 en su dormitorio a sollozar y lamentar a viva voz la tr谩gica p茅rdida de su hija.
Abandon贸 su trabajo y se refugi贸 en la soledad y el alcohol. Su mujer intent贸 acerc谩rsele, pero el marino rechazaba todo contacto; s贸lo pensaba en su querida hija muerta. Su esposa, antes celosa del amor que el hombre dispensaba a su hija viva, sufr铆a ahora por ser apartada a favor de la hija muerta.

Shattered, the sailor locked himself in his bedroom to sob and lament the tragic loss of his daughter out loud.
He abandoned his job and took refuge in solitude and alcohol. His wife tried to approach him, but the sailor rejected all contact; he only thought of his beloved dead daughter. His wife, before jealous of the love that the man bestowed on his living daughter, now suffered because she was pushed aside in favor of the dead daughter.

Una tarde estall贸, de la manera m谩s imprevista, la verdad: creyendo ser v铆ctima de una alucinaci贸n, el hombre vio, en la superficie de uno de los espejos, a su esposa colocando veneno en la comida de su hija y a su hija muriendo entre ayes de dolor, sola en su cuarto. Una y otra vez se repiti贸 la visi贸n, hasta que el hombre se convenci贸 de la veracidad de esas im谩genes. Fue donde la mujer, que dorm铆a en un cuarto alejado en la misma casona, y le dio muerte, de forma cruel. Luego, escribi贸 una nota explic谩ndolo todo, tom贸 su arma y se suicid贸.

One afternoon, in the most unexpected way, the truth burst forth: believing himself to be the victim of a hallucination, the man saw, on the surface of one of the mirrors, his wife placing poison in his daughter's food and his daughter dying in agony, alone in her room. The vision repeated itself again and again until the man was convinced of the veracity of those images. He went to where his wife was, who was sleeping in a room far away in the same mansion, and killed her in a cruel way. Then he wrote a note explaining everything, took his weapon and committed suicide.

Aqu铆 termina la tragedia de la familia que habitaba el l煤gubre caser贸n de C谩diz.
Los cuerpo fueron retirados y la casa se sell贸. El esc谩ndalo que provocaron los asesinatos y el suicidio fue tal que nadie quer铆a pasar cerca de la casa, a excepci贸n de muchachones buscando diversi贸n barata con la que asustar a sus novias. Un grupo de ellos se adentr贸 una noche en la casona y comenz贸 a recorrer los cuartos, quiz谩s buscando cosas de valor.

Here ends the tragedy of the family that inhabited the gloomy mansion in Cadiz.
The bodies were removed and the house was sealed. The scandal caused by the murders and the suicide was so great that no one wanted to pass near the house, except for young people looking for cheap thrills with which to scare their girlfriends. A group of them ventured one night into the mansion and began to explore the rooms, perhaps looking for valuable things.

Pronto se percataron de que la casa estaba repleta de espejos, en todos los cuartos, espejos grandes y peque帽os, gigantescos y diminutos, todos ellos respetuosamente cubiertos por s谩banas y mantas. Cuando un miembro del grupo de muchachos decidi贸 echar una mirada debajo de las mantas que cubr铆an a uno de los espejos, dej贸 escapar un grito: all铆, mir谩ndolo fijamente, con los ojos destilando tristeza, estaba la imagen de la jovencita. La leyenda afirma que vive en los espejos, esperando un vuelco de su destino que le permita unirse con su padre..........

They soon realized that the house was full of mirrors, in every room, large and small mirrors, huge and tiny, all respectfully covered by sheets and blankets. When a member of the group of boys decided to take a look under the blankets covering one of the mirrors, he let out a scream: there, staring at him, with eyes oozing sadness, was the image of the young woman. The legend says she lives in the mirrors, waiting for a turn in her fate that will allow her to be reunited with her father..........

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