Getting Inspiration from the book " Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

Hey Community,
This my first post here in which I will be sharing my experience regarding the book I'm reading now a days.
Unfortunately I'm a lazy person that loves to lay on bed all day without doing anything but in contrary I've thoughts to build future by bug thoughts and persistent hard work.
I'm currently doing a job in a consultancy firm that guide about study visa. I'm a study visa counselor there. I was facing a lot of discouraging vibes around me for a couple of weeks. I was getting more diffident in taking certain steps of my life.
So I decided to read some motivational books that could converge my thoughts from tangibly active and motivated personality to a practical one.
So my first choice to read was " Think and Grow Rich"
I bought this book amd started reading it. Also let me tell due to my lethargicness I wasn't able to get the fruitfulness of this book for many days.
But now as I'm reading it I'm feeling sticked myself with it. I am as interested in that I am neglecting my other chores for it.

This book is written by Nepolean Hill on the idea given by Andrew Carnegie. It was written after taking interview of 500 successful persons.
It makes to think and motivate a person by explaining and giving logics that how the thoughts of being rich and successful get transit into practical life and make him succeeded.
One sentence in this book made me so inspired and motivated that was thoughts and things when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches or other material objects

Enjoying the lessons of this book with coffee that made me to absorb the wording more effectively.
I'm still on its first chapter that is explaining the worth of persistency by exemplifying the story of Edison and Barnes.
Barnes a personality that ever desired to accompany Edison in his business by becoming his associate. He did it by working with him for a long duration. He worked so hard that he got the titled slogan at last "Made by Edison, Installed by Barnes"
It was a truly inspiring thing that gives the impression of succes after trying hard and hard and again and again.
In the next part the book elaborated the negative consequences of not to be persistent in which the story of Mr Darby's uncle was told. His uncle tried to dig up a mine for getting gold. He finally conquered the quest and got apperared with a shining metal.But it was just an ore. He bought machine to refine it after collecting money from neighbors and relatives. But later he lost his hope when didn't find the gold in raw form. He sold that machine to a junk man but the man was clever enough that he found gold 3 feet away from the mine Mr Darby's uncle was digging.
Due to not to be persistent they lost the wealth of gold far from 3 feets.

Since yet I came to know about the mandatory part of being successful which is consistency. I'll be keep on reading this book until I get finally the practical benefit of it.
Hope you guys will be taking inspiration from books like this. I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Have a happy week. Goodbye

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