Dance In Your Storms

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing very well and that everything is going very well too.


Dancing in the storm means to be strong and firm when you are faced with life challenges. It is the ability to be still and not feel so low when you are facing troubles in life.

In doing this, you need some attributes to keep going, and they are:

Resilience is what you need; you have to be strong, and you also need to preserve yourself in any condition you find yourself in. Do not leave with the problem, but be strong enough to let the problem leave you.

Hope is another attribute you need when you are facing problems in your life. You need to understand that yesterday was not like that, you will not face that problem forever, that it will come and go. Don't write yourself off; try to speak positively to yourself and move on with life.

Another thing you need is to be courageous, embrace new challenges with confidence, and try to crack the nut yourself. Always tell yourself that you can make it, even if it looks like you will not. Just try to have confidence in yourself and avoid letting people know how incompetent you are.

Always try to be happy in whatever situation you find yourself in. Try to create an atmosphere that makes you happy; if nothing is giving you joy, try to create joy out of something. You know what makes you happy and what you can do to spur you up. Try to be happy all the time in this; nobody will really know what you are going through, and some of the people who are always happy, even when they are facing a lot of challenges, always help other people to be strong.

Always try to adapt to any situation and try to see life the way it comes. This makes you smarter and wiser. Everyone has their own ups and downs, but not everyone knows how to manage them. You need to adapt and try to be strong and accept life the way it comes to you.

Try to focus on the present moment, letting go of the past. Do not allow yourself to still dwell in the past, because dwelling in the past takes your backyard, and you will be thinking of whether you can or cannot do a particular thing. If anything happens to you today, when it is tomorrow, face what is coming tomorrow and not what happened today. Do not try to judge yourself, people, situations, things, etc. by what happened in the past, because every day everything and everyone becomes new.

Try to learn from your past mistakes, because these lessons will help you scale through the challenges that come in the future.

Take care of yourself and try to be mindful of whatever you want to do next time.

It is always very hard to be strong when you are going through problems, but remember that you have a lot of blessings, success, etc. in the future, so you need to stay strong and achieve those.

I invite @tenderdaniel, @johnuko and @jazclassi to join this initiative

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