Theory to practice. Knowledge Vs experience.

Hello readers, good day and welcome to my blog. Thank you @hivereachout community for this weeks prompt.


Knowledge and experience are both needed when one embraces personal development and when one is in his or her learning process. Meaning that the two are related. Firstly, let's look at experience and then knowledge before we get to know the two joined together or versus each other.

Knowledge may be described as theoretical or formal, the acquisition of which comes as an outcome of education, reading, observations, and reflection. It covers, facts, concepts and principles that are usually written down and can therefore be transferred through lectures.

Knowledge can definitely be measured, you can try it out through tests, examination and certifications.

And experience means a situation where one is particularly involved or participated in doing an activity or in an event. Experiences are not theoretical like knowledge, experience is all about interactions within a particular environment and by the issues encountered in practice.

Normally just like I said earlier, there's a relationship between the two, there are friends. Knowledge is like a guide , meanwhile experience hrlps to refine the knowledge in a practical way. Let's take for instance, a medical student that studies human anatomy and various diseases through books and lectures(that is acquisition of knowledge) , when he gets to diagnose and treat patients through the knowledge acquired through itclinical practical sessions(that is where experience comes to play). There's this interaction between the two.

Let's also look at knowledge and experience this way. Knowledge is general but experience is specific. Take for example a leader that has the knowledge about leadership but the knowledge might not necessarily be of help without the person leading. There has to be an experience, and there has to be knowledge acquired.

Another thing is that, despite the fact that knowledge and experience are valuable, they both come with few limitations. If knowledge continues to be stored and not put to use it will surely become irrelevant. The way the world is evolving rapidly this days due to technology, always relying on knowledge and not putting it in to use can actually be a bad. On the other hand, experience that is not backed up by information leads to the making of wrong decisions. In this way, an individual Is unable to break out from a given pattern, or even if they see changes happening, they may not judge them rightly due to lack of overall experience.

I put it all together to say that knowledge and experience are critical before one can understand any issue and develop or progress. While knowledge represents a theory behind action, experience is what makes that theory a reality, thereby adding more meaning and more action-guiding understanding. As a successful person, it is necessary to embrace both because he or she will always be looking forward to applying such knowledge together with other experiences which would help in the process of changing the world.

Stay blessed 🙏
Your favor driver and teacher.

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