the power of apologies and forgiveness.

Greeting to the entire members of Hive-reachout community.Beliving God,you are all fine.Iam glad to write on this topic, The power of apologies and forgiveness .
What do we mean by the term Apology?
According to,
Apology is a written or spoken expression of one’s regret, remorse, or sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another.
What is Forgiveness?
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.
Judging from the two definitions above you will agree with me that
relationships can never be transformed without Apologies.If you want to heal Emotional wounds then use apologies and forgiveness.

From the insight about Apologies and forgiveness,I can boldly say that,Apologies and forgiveness are twins and powerful tools that can transform relationships, heal emotional wounds, and restore balance to our lives.
my brother pastor Samson Ochayis in one of his sermons said that, "When we apologize sincerely, we take responsibility for our actions, acknowledge the hurt we've caused, and show empathy towards those affected."

If you want to move forward with joy, happiness, with renewed hope and understanding,then practice Forgiveness and let it be your nature because, Forgiveness, allows us to let go of resentment, release negative emotions, and move forward with renewed hope and understanding.
The picture below is showing me and my sister.We were like cat and dog before but now we are like 9 and 10 because of the power of forgiveness and Apologies.

The power of apologies

The power of anything is rooted in what that thing can do.
The strength or power of apologies are in their ability to swallow tension, increase and reshape or refurbish trust, and form a nice and safe space for open communication.

When we apologize, we show accountability, humility, and a willingness to make the wrong right. This can help to destroy anger, hurt and pride.

The power of forgiveness

My spiritual father once told me that,if you refuse to forgive people, don't say the Lord's prayers
Forgiveness can save life.many years ago, my younger brother did something very bad.My father was angry with him and sent him away from home.He (my brother) thought within himself to commit suicide.Luckly for us,I saw him when he was about drinking the poison he bought and I shouted Don't! Daddy has forgiven you.He is now calling you.on hearing about forgiveness,he got revived and was saved.

Infact Forgiveness is powerful, because it frees us from the burden of carrying grudges and negative emotions.
When we forgive, we choose to release the hold that past hurts have on us.

Forgiveness gives greater peace, joy, and freedom.

Apologies and forgiveness can be transformative. When we apologize and are forgiven, we experience a sense of relief, renewed connection, and deeper understanding.
When we witness the power of apologies and forgiveness, we're more likely to practice it in our own lives.

Do forgiveness and apology freely and sincerely because by apologizing sincerely and forgiving freely, we can create a more compassionate, empathetic, and glorious world. As we strive to build stronger relationships and communities, let us allow forgiveness and Apologies lead because they both have power to heal, save, give joy, give hope, destroy conflict, crisis and battle .
My brothers and sisters in this community and the whole readers make sure you practice Forgiveness and apology.

God is also interested in the issue of forgiveness and I know everyone of us here pray to God in our own ways.
So anytime you stand to pray, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you your wrong doing. But if you don't forgive people who offended you, God our father in heaven will not equally forgive your wrong doing.
Honestly speaking, forgiveness is so powerful enough to move God to also forgive you .Waoh! What a power of forgiveness.

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