🍓 {31/07/23} ✦ [NEW BLOG!] Beautiful new materials. Galatea had 3 babies. And I met the restaurant "Pinkoh" 🐷 🍔 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

✦ I know that the big piggy figure generates a lot of questions, the restaurants in Maracaibo are super creative lately ✦

🇪🇸 - Los últimos días de Julio han sido una montaña rusa. No hay un solo día en que no reciba una noticia especial (especialmente buena, o especialmente no tan buena) y eso me ha mantenido alerta; la semana pasada Galatea (mi gata carey) dio a luz antes de lo programado y salir me produce mucho stress porque no quiero dejar a los gatitos solos o encerrados en el cuarto de costura (Galatea dio a luz en una sección del closet que convirtió en su nido, ella esta bien, es un lugar cálido, despejado, seguro y limpio).

🇺🇸 - The last few days of July have been a roller coaster. There is not a single day when I don't receive a special news (especially good, or especially not so good) and that has kept me on my toes; last week Galatea (my tortoiseshell cat) gave birth earlier than scheduled and going out causes me a lot of stress because I don't want to leave the kittens alone or locked in the sewing room (Galatea gave birth in a section of the closet that she turned into her nest, she is fine, it is a warm, clear, safe and clean place).

✦ Prices are doing amazingly well despite the dollar's price spike again ✦

Antes de despedir el mes y para continuar el proyecto de los accesorios de "Oshi No Ko", @Pigritia me ayudó a ir al "Castillo" por algunas telas. Para ese proyecto me hace falta una cinta especifica pero en lugar de comprar cinta de seda, quiero hacer esa parte yo misma desde cero.

Before saying goodbye to the month and to continue the accessories project of "Oshi No Ko", @Pigritia helped me to go to Castle for some fabrics. For that project I need a specific ribbon but instead of buying silk ribbon, I want to make that part myself from scratch.

✦ I know I said I don't plan to cosplay Ai Hoshino, but if I wanted to do it, right now there are very good and nice fabrics for a good price in this store ✦

La sección que más me gusta visitar es el piso de las telas de tapicería, donde encuentras tela para cortinas, sabanas y muebles. El ancho de las telas aquí es de 2 a 3 metros de ancho y algunas son bastante económicas, por ejemplo, el precio ronda entre los 2 y 3$ por metro.

The section I like to visit the most is the floor of the fabrics of upholstery, where you can find fabric for curtains, sheets and furniture. The width of the fabrics here is 2 to 3 meters wide and some are quite inexpensive, for example, the price is around 2 to 3$ per meter.

✦ 💖 It's like going to the candy store 💖 ✦

Eso quiere decir que si solo necesitas el mínimo (30 centímetros) basta con 10$ para llevarte una cantidad bastante surtida y decente de material para pequeños proyectos. En mi caso yo necesitaba tela satinada pero con cuerpo, color fucsia, y tela color rosa pastel saturado (al final compre una organza escarchada divina, que podrán ver en la segunda parte del proyecto de los cintillos de "OshiNo Ko").

That means that if you only need the minimum (30 centimeters) $10 is enough to get a decent amount of material for small projects. In my case I needed satin fabric but with body, fuchsia color, and saturated pastel pink fabric (in the end I bought a divine frosted organza, which you will see in the second part of the "OshiNo Ko" hair accessories project).

✦ I could cry with happiness. This is the kind of thing that I like and makes me very very happy ✦

En esta visita al "Castillo" volvieron una serie de materiales en la sección de mercería que no había tenido la oportunidad de comprar: Rollos de apliques dorados plásticos que simulan muy bien ser de metal pesado, EN PERSONA SON ESPECTACULARES. Ah, y también paquetitos de pinzas de 6 unidades que tenia meses buscando.

On this visit to the "Castillo" came back a number of materials in the _ haberdashery section_ that I had not had the opportunity to buy: Rolls of plastic golden appliqués that simulate very well to be of heavy metal, THESE ARE SPECTACULAR IN PERSON. Oh, and also packs of tweezers of 6 units that I had been looking for months.

✦ Too fabulous! I am so in love ✦

Pienso reservar esto para un Cosplay de Athena de la serie "Saint Seiya", cuál de todas sus versiones no lo he decidido, pero será con su vestido blanco icónico hasta el piso. Últimamente pienso mucho en eso, que aún no he comenzado a trabajar en los trajes sencillos que me propuse para este año, el tipo de traje que cabe en una sola maleta de mano.

I plan to save this for a Cosplay of Athena from the "Saint Seiya" series, which of all her versions I haven't decided, but it will be in her iconic floor-length white dress. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, that I haven't yet started working on the simple costumes I set out for this year, the kind of costume that fits in a single carry-on suitcase.

✦ We had to wait a bit for a table, not too long. It was nice to go out at night for a change but I found that my social battery has been reduced quite a bit, even though it was a nice family reunion ✦

Respecto al cerdito que pueden ver en la portada, es del restaurante "Pinkoh" o mejor dicho, una de sus sucursales. Después de la pandemia ha habido una explosión de emprendimientos y nuevas tiendas por todos lados aquí. Algunos se han sostenido en el tiempo y otros solo llegan al año o menos, solo unos meses de funcionamiento.

Regarding the piggy you can see on the cover, it is from the restaurant "Pinkoh" or rather, one of its branches. After the pandemic there has been an explosion of start-ups and new stores everywhere here. Some have been sustained over time and others only reach a year or less, just a few months of operation.

✦ IS THE SMALLEST JAR OF TOMATO SAUCE I'VE EVER SEEN. IT'S TOO ADORABLE. Btw everything is delicious, the burger had a lot of fried chicken and I could barely finish it. And the pina colada I ordered had condensed milk in it, it was really good 🍔 🍹 ✨ ✦

¿No les sucede que pasan el día haciendo muchísimas cosas, y a la vez sienten que no hacen nada?, eso es lo que me ha estado pasando. Desde que despierto ocupo muchas tareas diferentes pero cuando cae la tarde, tengo dolor de cabeza y todavía faltan muchas cosas por hacer; sin embargo tener gatitos recién nacidos es una alegría muy grande, el ambiente es suave y hacen sonidos super tiernos.

Don't you find that you spend the day doing so many things, and at the same time you feel like you're not doing anything? From the moment I wake up I am busy with many different tasks, but when the afternoon comes, I have a headache and there are still many things to do; however, having newborn kittens is a great joy, the atmosphere is soft and they make super cute sounds.

Hoy abrieron los ojos y caminan un poquito. Estoy algo nerviosa porque pensé que estarían mas días en modo "papita somnolienta". Mientras re-ajusto mi rutina por la llegada de estos bebes me puse al dia con Kimetsu No Yaiba y Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu 🐱 🎐

Today they opened their eyes and walked a little bit. I'm a little nervous because I thought they would be in "sleepy potato" mode for a few more days. While I re-adjust my routine for the arrival of these babies I caught up with Kimetsu No Yaiba and Dekiru Neko wa Kyou mo Yuuutsu 🐱 🎐

🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia ✦ Translation: Deepl
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸3 ⚜

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