VACATION DAY 2-Happy days are here!!


Hey guys…

It’s been a sweet and sour couple of days. So officially the vacation ended since Saturday because we are back to base. Believe me when I tell you I have enough updates for you all. First let me apologize for keeping you all waiting since my last update. On Friday night I had an accident and since then I have been nursing my wounds and myself back to strength. I missed five steps and landed on my tummy, at the edge of the stairs. I sustained eleven bruises and an ankle sprain and a broken finger. I have been in Severe pains, typing an update was really the last thing on my mind. I thank the lord it’s all better now, apart from a few scars I am definitely healing fast.

Let’s get into the enjoyment gist proper; shall we?

The next day being Thursday last week
Was fun day for the kids, we had done enough mummy pampering and it was time to take the kids for some fun, they were already beginning to complain of boredom. So that morning we first had to go round up my sisters appointments. She had a lash and nail appointment. By 8am we were out of the house, just the both of us. We got to the nail salon first and she sat for her nails while I took the opportunity to get a pedicure.

one thing about me, I never miss an opportunity to pamper myself when I get the slightest chance, because if not why not?


That has to be the best pedicure I have had in a long long time, I was super satisfied, as I was rounding up my sister did hers too because of how much I hyped and praised the woman’s work. We went from there to her lash appointment and under one hour she was done.





At this point it was already 12pm, and so we headed for upbeat creation center, Lekki. The kids and my other older sister were to meet us up at the location. We got there before them and so we made reservations and payment. They came and we had lots and lots of fun. Jumping, playing and just watching the kids explore. If you ask me there wasn’t much for adults to do there because it was just jump jump and jump. At a point we all sat on the floor because our eyes were tired and spinning, but the kids never got tired of jumping.





When our time had expired, we got our things and headed to the nearest supermarket to get a few things. The kids picked all their favorite snacks and junks and we bought a few necessities and headed to the ultimate fun place.





We went to Rufus and bee. Ohh I had the fun of my life, the kids explored different games, we the adults also played a lot of games, I especially enjoyed the dance game. I went multiple times with my sisters. It was fun. I haven’t had a hearty relief moment like that in a while. A moment where you stop thinking about life’s challenges or personal problems and just leg loose.






When we had exhausted all our game credits on our play card, we went to the Chinese restaurant CHAI TAN, we ate some really yummy food there. We didn’t spend much time there because it was already about past 9pm and the twins were already cranky and tired. I mean they have been running around all day so why not Lol,



We got home, had a good shower and we all headed straight to bed. The kids couldn’t stop talking about all the fun of the day till we forced them to sleep.

If there is anything like over enjoyment, we experienced it on this trip, stay glued for our next fun outing, the story continues….

PS: All pictures in this posts are mine except stated otherwise and permissions given by the family members in the post.


See you in my next post

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