Academic Achiever Rank 1 Secured!

The best revenge is massive success.”

— Frank Sinatra


Two years ago, I remember that I never stopped seeking revenge every time I passed the first university that gave me my first heartbreak. Who would not be resentful if your two previous groupmates entered without knowledge of writing research papers, right? Therefore, I promised myself I would strive for success. This thought always brings tears to my eyes when I think of that situation. Being one of the best students on campus has made me realize that their rejection is merely a redirection. Although I was rejected from the university, I am thankful that I did not become their student.

Last June 26, 2022, my mother informed me that my father was rushed into the hospital and medical professionals diagnosed him with a stroke. My mom was chilling since they told him he would recover and needs an ample time to rest. It wasn't until she heard that he had brain nerve damage that she became complacent. After that unfortunate news, my mom burst into tears and immediately went to the hospital. Then, after a couple of days, I decided to enroll in a private university without having a clear idea of what I would like to pursue. Who would be hysterical if your tuition is ₱14,000 and one of your family members has to pay his medical bills? Luckily, my uncle supported my education and I don't know if I can still forgive that school if no one supported me academically.

These challenges motivated me to perform well at the private school. Despite my sacrifices, such as disobeying my parents to attend a birthday party, sleeping for only 3-6 hours during hell weeks, and stressing myself with groupings, I've finally made it to the top. Two days before CMA Day, I didn't forget to send a long message to my uncle while crying that I finally reaped the benefits of my sacrifices. If my dream university and course reject me, do you think my alma mater would open a door of opportunity for academic excellence? If I enrolled at a state university and continued my dream to be an accountant, do you think I will not push myself to be a copywriter? No way.

Enough with the background, I'd like to talk about my achievements last April 5 together with my mother.

MKTG+ Unmasking Marketing Elites Regional Quiz Bee Champion


When I prepared for this competition, I remembered that I wanted to achieve the highest level. I don't intend to enter that quiz bee without making it to the final round. If you remember my previous blog post about this one, I mentioned that I wanted to prove that it's their loss that they rejected me. Unexpectedly, I did and got the first-ever "Marketing Elite of the Year 2023" title. The faculty members and the officers of CLSU were blown away by the intelligence that I presented and they even asked me what grade level I am. It's not known to them that I used AI and previous lessons to prepare for the competition. Winning this regional contest has given me the opportunity to headline in different publication pages of our university and also to the popular journal page of CLSU. Imagine the power I established after getting that title. I feel like I'm a celebrity.

Academic Achiever Rank 1 BSBA Marketing Management Level II (San Jose Campus)


Before I put myself in front of my laptop to prepare for my upcoming exams, I sometimes cry quietly in front of my laptop. I don't know why crying has become my comfort zone before grinding and striving for success. Taylor Swift's songs and Spotify are one of my witnesses to how much sleep and leisure time I sacrifice to study for an exam. Due to heightened academic pressure, I was unable to attain Rank 1 last semester. I'm not envying that, considering both of us do our best. I would only be angry if she cheated, but I don't think she can do it. I still have a chance to fire my big cannon, which I know she will not expect.


This academic year, I still plan to achieve Rank 1. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm looking forward to review in advance and also use my spare time to work. I have planned on securing a part-time job this vacation where I will work and save money to buy a tablet for academic purposes. My plan is to render 4 hours daily using my laptop. Then, I'll do my academic workload on my tablet while my laptop charges. That's my ultimate goal and I hope it succeeds. Next month, I'm looking forward to pitch my skills for free in exchange for showing their work and sharing their testimonials.

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