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Anyone who is moderately acquainted with me knows that I am more than a bit, well, er, frugal.

We weren't flush with cash when I was growing up, and I had parents and grandparents who taught me the value of using what ya got, so the mindset kinda stuck with me.

Also, I think being a good steward and not coveting all the things is a cool mindset to have.

Not that I don't have stuff, to be alive is to consume, it's just that I don't get too wound up about having all the latest things, will reuse or innovate with the things I have in the face of an issue that needs addressed, and oh yes, the most important thing, I DESPISE SHOPPING!

I'd rather listen to Baby Shark sung by a whiny toddler choir on repeat that go buy something, especially a large purchase.

So, yep, I have procrastinated buying a new phone for, well, years again.


But, my trusty old iPhone was getting pretty sluggish, the hub's was even farther along in its lifespan, and the boy's phone, well, it was so worn out that you couldn't even make a call on it.

Normally, I have my kids buy their own phones, not that they have gone through a lot of them. I bought them each their first phones when they started going away on trips for sports and such. Standard Motos for the youngins. As they got older and made their own cash, they bought fancier models, but the boy did thousands of dollars of auto repair work on my diesel pickup this summer, so the hubs and I wanted to buy his phone for him.

As chance would have it, there is a major promotion going on for the new iPhone 16 if you traded in your old phone.

So, after a couple of hours with the most awesome employee ever at our local independent retailer, we all three have new iPhone 16 pros.


I kinda feel a bit weird. Basically after sales tax, activation fees, and all the accoutrement you gotta buy when you get a new device, we ended up getting three phones for the price of one and my phone plan price went down. Apparently I had gone so long without upgrading that it was beneficial to do so lol!

But back to the weird. The OS is the same, but it's like we all leaped forward six tech years in one day. That's another thing making do does for you, it makes you most thankful and appreciative when you finally take the plunge and upgrade your situation. Holy handiness!

I mean, just the camera alone is blowing my mind! After re-logging in all the things and configuring stuff a bit, I finally got to take the many cameras the dang thing has for a spin.


It's going to be a fun few days learning all the bells and whistles of this thing, I've never had the latest and greatest toy before so I find myself giggling at the absurdity of it all a bit.

Honestly though, I am just happy to not be charging it all the time....

So, now I have no excuse not to make Leo shorts whenever a mood of whimsy strikes me. There's a scene in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 where Starlord realizes he can create anything with light and says, I'm going to make some really weird $H!t



Also, as an addendum of goal crushing awesomeness, I think today marks seven days in a row of posting! It's been FOR-E-VAH since I have done such a thing! YAY!!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's very new and shiny iPhone.

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