...2 years after


I feel like I have just been dumping a lot of personal posts these past weeks, back to back, it wasn't international, I do want to write about so many other things but this period of my life has so many personal memories and as always I love to share them with you.

So we celebrated my son's bday, my birthday and now it's my wedding anniversary all happened at just 2 weeks' Intervals.

7/8/2020 was my traditional wedding and 8/8/2020 was my white wedding ceremony.....

I am one to keep up with dates oo but for some reason, I completely forgot my anniversary this year, my mum called to remind me and say words of prayer as usual.

Thanks to her, I never get to worry about missing any birthdays or celebrations she is my calendar😂

Immediately after the call ended I sent a long sweet message to my husband(ps I copied from numerous anniversary messages on google)🙄


I wanted to be the first to send my wishes so I was in a bit of a hurry and he didn't even remember, he was as shocked as I was when my mum called😂😂 I know 2 years seems so small for us to start forgetting, I am glad we have family and friends to remind us, next year we will do better but for now we are just glad we made it this far in peace, love, and happiness.

The fact is Marriage itself is not so easy, no one tells you what to expect when you are married, they were all focused on the wedding day and the fun and enjoyment they would get and that is the end. I think I understand why no one says anything because truly no 2 marriages are the same so it's is the best one learns by themselves as they go

So here few things I learned over the 2 years that have helped me.


Marry who you truly love

As much as the courting days can be all rosy and sweet, it is far different from being married and living under one roof, a lot of things can annoy you about each other and would almost cause resentment if love wasn't there before. Remembering why you got married in the first place especially if it's for love can help you tolerate and get used to so many things.


I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I didn't marry a supportive partner, I see women complain about how much they struggle to have to do everything in the house from chores to cooking, taking care of the kids, and even activities in the other room and still trying to make earns meet.
Marriage is no competition, learning to be on the same side of the coin at all times and on the same team, helping each other as we go has helped us greatly.


Dealing with tough times in marriage is no joke especially when there is financial stress but communication and honesty have been my Shield. It helps us stay positive and fuels our passion to do better.


This is one killer of good marriages, people should understand that what works for one may never work for another when it comes to marriages and vice versa. So no matter how juicy a couple looks, or makes their marriage sound, I never try to compare, that's one thing we made clear from the start. And it has helped us stay focused on our marriage and family.

Having boundaries

One thing I had to learn the hard way😂 until I realized that lack of boundaries can choke a relationship. Setting boundaries and finding myself helped me become a strong and independent individual and that has completely transformed a lot of things in my home.

in the start it felt like we had to be stuck on each other at all times, thankfully I knew better.

I could go on and on especially the lessons the last year has shown me and I am sure as we grow old together I would pick up more and more lessons on the way. Hoping the ones that would end up with smiles and laughter only 🥰


So today I would like to say a big thank you to God for keeping us strong and vibrant as always🤣, and a massive thank you to my husband for not making the union of marriage a big task but rather an adventure and journey we get to enjoy together. Thank you for making life so much easy by making me believe that together we can go through anything

Happy anniversary to us.

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