Hello beautiful people. If anyone wants to leave your life because you made a decision not to have sex until marriage please let them go. Do not allow anyone come in and love you out of God's fellowship, no one is worth that love, no love is worth making you live comfortable in sin. As a matter of fact, buy them a plane ticket so they can get out of your life faster than they came in.


And It doesn't matter If you have been having sex in your relationship with someone before, if you have taken a sincere decision to rededicate your life and your relationship to God by putting an end to sexual intimacy and your partner is not ready to cooperate with your decision because they have been too comfortable living in sexual sin, please let them go, don't cry when they threaten to move on if sex is no longer a part of the bargain. You cannot love them more than the decision you have made, you cannot want them enough to choose them over God.

I know how difficult this 'no sex' decision is for us to make, especially in these times where sex is mistaken for love, times where sexual satisfaction is a top criteria for marriage. Sometimes when you tell your partner that you're not down for the sex anymore they blow up and get angry real quick, drift, picking fights with you over every little thing, whether you are wrong or not, because they are angry over the fact that what they use to get for free now comes with a price; patience and abstinence. A price they are not willing or ready to pay.

From the moment you make your decision known they'll start digging up issues where there is none, because the desired can no longer be acquired. It is so sad honestly. To learn that someone who you love so much does not love you enough to stay without the pleasure of your body. So sad!

But hey, let them go, see that disappointment as a victory. Don't cry, don't weep, don't feel bad at all, it hurts yes, but see that hurt as a huge step towards winning in your marriage. There may come a time when you can't save the relationship, but you must save yourself.

You know why?

Because now you know that they are not going to love you in all seasons like they made you believe. Now you know what fuels their love for you. Now you know who they really are, and now you can see their love for what it really is. Sex is not a proof of love. It's not the best way someone can love you. So If they are staying because of the sex, one day a better sex will take them away from you. You can't use sex to keep anybody (male or female).

So don't cry at all, don't cry because someone who wants you to disobey God is leaving your life, oh boy that is a victory! That was the goal in the first place right?, for the wrong ones to leave in other to make room for the right ones to come in and treat you real good without terms and conditions. So what are you crying for? And you know something else? When you sit around crying because they want to leave, you're making God feel like there's REGRET somewhere in your decision to stick to abstinence. If they decide to leave don't beg for them to stay, don't compromise, don't slimfit your abstinence to suit them, don't even bargain to continue kissing & romancing as long as you won't do penetration because you want to satisfy & keep them. You cannot eat the meat and say you have not tasted the soup.

C'mon move. If you were having sex before and now they want to leave because you want to get right with God please send them a goodbye card with a bottle of coke and thank them for finally deciding not to stay and waste anymore of your time.


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