Back to school

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I don't think any two more excited beings could have existed before my girls this morning. Today was their resumption day and they were so pumped about seeing all their friends again. Whereas it is always a struggle to get them to go to bed early, they turned themselves in early last night because they wanted to be up early today. It was a shock to be shaken awake by Juwura who looked bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 4.30 am this morning! She didn't listen to any of my pleas to let us all sleep for one more In the past, they were always kinda subdued on their first day. This is a first for them and I guess it's because they are both older now and have learned to really enjoy school. They went bounding out of the car as soon as we drove into the school premisses...phew! It's time to go pick them up now so I've got to go. I bet I'm gonna get an earful of their escapades on my way home. As for me, it feels amazing to have some me time again. Thank God for the holidays but I'm even more grateful for the resumption!

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