First day resumption-meeting my students after a long holiday.

Holla guys. Today was resumption day for your favorite teacher and I'm just sk excited about it.

It's always a day that comes with mixed feelings especially when starting a new term after a long holiday, more so for a teacher teaching three classes. Entering the familiar corridors , I could perceive the paint from the new painted walls and the black paint from the black board. Everything kinda looked new.

The windows were thrown open and the morning light was let in helping to warm everyone in class because it rained earlier this morning. I know you'll ask why I'm resuming on a Thursday, I've been so busy with clients, driving back and forth to make ends meet. And it's just the first week, the students sometimes refuse to resume because it's revision week. I was happy watching their conversations between themselves, I could see that they were so happy to reunite again and not only that, they were all in a new class.

The morning devotions were already done. So all students were in class, ready and set to learn. We started first by rearranging the desks. Taking off the old materials that were displayed by last year's student so we could replace them with that of the new class students. I'm actually a teacher that loves my space in the class to be so conducive and my students sure understands that.

The first bell went off, this made me realize they the term had really and actually started . After the rearrangement, I started first by greeting the students and welcoming them to a new term and class. I could see there were eager to know a lot and had a lot of questions, anticipations and expectations and I promise to give them my very best. I introduced myself to them, told them my riles, my do's and don'ts. We talked a little about the holidays, how we all spent and the lessons learnt, it was absolute fun, the students were so lively. I asked them some questions and urged them to speak about something which happened to them, so that they felt that everybody is present and it is safe to talk to each other.

After that we proceeded to the first lesson of the day. Some revisions, a little question and answer time, and then some explanation and then note copying. I observed some things and promised to create a positive learning environment in the classroom this year.

After the lesson, I explained to the class what I expect from them throughout the year. I stressed on respect, responsibilities and character relations with their fellow students. We signed a classroom contract whereby the learners developed rules and policies which they believed would help them within the classroom environment. Listening to them I was again and again struck by how important it is to address the issue of diversity in education. The interaction level was actually very high.

Soon it was break time and the students were do eager to take a break and I definitely allowed them to. After the break we all spent time creating and also learning, it was definitely not a boring afternoon for us. Sooner, the last bell was rung and I realized that we are done for the day, very pleasant feeling. The energy from the students made me so happy.
Packing up at the end of the day, I felt so refreshed. Yes there are going to be difficulties in the future but today opened a new perspective on togetherness and the pleasure of sharing knowledge.

PS: All images are mine
Stay blessed 🙏
Your favorite driver and teacher

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