Respect is earned not forced

Respect is reciprocal, I grew up knowing this and have also gone by the motto from my childhood to adulthood. I believe no one is too small or young to be respected neither too big or old to be respected. I dish out respect to everyone irrespective of age, tribe, and color until you prove otherwise by your attitude toward me. Respect has no specific place or time; it can be given at any place as well as time, but one thing I have come to learn is that respect cannot be forced; it has to be earned.


In the western part of Nigeria, the Yoruba tribe, to be precise, teaches so much about respect that one can go as well as address a baby with accolades like it's an elderly person. I remember a few years back, when my younger brothers were growing up, they addressed me by my name, which is normal, but it isn't normal in my tribe, anyone older than you should be regarded as aunty, uncle, sir, or ma, you dare not call them by their names. My aunt was the agent of change then; she corrected my siblings strictly and gave them a stern warning that if they violated, there would be punishment, and immediately, they adjusted to addressing me as an aunt.

At a point in my life, I faced a lot of disrespect due to some physical factors like my height and stature. I won't say I have slow growth. Rather, I would say I have a very small stature, which makes it difficult for people to guess my age, and with them, I wasn't given the respect I deserve because many believe or think I'm a small girl who shouldn't be respected. Some went as far as saying my education was fast, and that was why I was opportune to be in the same class as they were back in secondary school. The same thing happened in my first year at a higher institution which got me annoyed that I had to retaliate.

To me, respect should be applicable in every area of life, in addressing, in greeting, and in associating with people. I value respect so much, and I'm big on it; I respect people so much irrespective of who you are until you prove you don't deserve the respect, which I will successfully withdraw. I disliked being disrespected because I do try my best not to disrespect anyone, so if I'm putting so much energy into giving you the required amount of accolades you deserve, then such a person has no right to disrespect me. Immediately I sense disrespect, I move away from such people to avoid conflicts.

Truth be told, it hurts to be disrespected, it hurts some people's mental health, and at times, it makes one develop an inferiority complex that sometimes goes beyond one that can be overlooked. In our generation today, some see being disrespectful as being outspoken which is ruining the lives of this present generation. Some children are not brought up to be respectful and when they go out there, they become miscreants. Earning respect the right way makes it last longer than being forced, and in this way, it is more valuable.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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