Lessons Learned From life’s Setbacks - Weekly Write Up.

Greetings !!!!

Good day to everyone and welcome to my blog. You already what’s up, I’m here as I always do to participate in our weekly write ups. And this weeks topic for discussion on an about lessons life has taught us and what we learnt from them. Hmm where do I start?… everyday we learn without even actually realizing it, among all the lessons I’ve learnt with the little time I’ve spent on this earth is “a bird in hand is worth a hundred more in the bush”

When I was little I used to hear this wise saying a lot without actually knowing and the true meaning to it. But as I grew older, I now know and truly understand the meaning of it. In life and generally as humans it is in our nature to undermine the little we have and and chase for something bigger in the cause of doing so we lose what we have. Life has taught me in the hard way to always cherish the little you have.


Let me share my story with you. Not long ago, I had earned quite a good amount of money from a certain platform. I was very happy with myself and I had drawn out a plan on how I was going to spend the money. But on a second thought, I taught of how I could make more than five times of what I had. So I sort out my friend who told me of a brilliant way I could easily earn more by investing all the money.

He told me I could make way more than a thousand dollars. I was very intrigued and didn’t think twice again and I invested all the earnings into that platform. Little did I know I was going to get duped and I lost all my money. Now I’m back to square zero , I didn’t have the money I had then and I lost all because I didn’t appreciate what I had.


So one of the valuable lessons life has taught me is to always appreciate the little you have and work harder towards your aim. Undermining what you have will only lead you to losing all of your investment capital. Thank you for this opportunity to participate in this week’s write up.

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