My share of difficulties and how I overcame them.

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Hello my fellow hivians.
Its a great day and we are thankful for it. I am glad for the opportunity to be involved in such a sensitive and intimate chapter of our endeavor on this platform as a society. Difficulities are part of everyone's life as, no, matter who you are, at one or more points in everyone's life there have been some battles of life we have had to overcome to be where we are today and these difficulties have served as teaching moments for us at one point or another.

Sometimes its' really easy to wish yourself back to when you were a kid and everything was simpler for you then. I know i certainly wish that for myself sometimes, but that's life, we always have to grow that's fixed and all we can do is make sure that we make the right decisions or actions to help guide to this journey.



One of my most difficult times in life would have to be in senior high school. This time of my life had me going through a lot . I mean at first when i arrived it was going well until everything thing changed when things about real life issues started to affect me since now i am not a kid no longer. First started with me being asked to stay in school more often instead of coming home like i do when i first arrived.

My school and my house luckily for me was in the same region, so i felt i could go home anytime. So during my second year in i was asked to refrain from coming home that much, now at this point i hadn't been finding school easy with food and lack of water and house was the only things that i could think of and get a little relieved even thou it wasn't okay or enough buh at least it was home and i can be at peace with anything. It was a rough time at school when the little food i brought to school got finished and i had to ride the whole semester out with nothing but books in my chop box. I realised i am too much of a people pleaser, even if it is at my expense so this caused me to clear out the little stuff i got.

Now i had to survive with the so-called three(3) square meal the school always provided which was also first com first serve. Sometimes i get to the dinning hall and am being denied food because the table i stood at was dominated with seniors, or when i am wearing slides instead of shoes. So when this happens something i will end up sleeping without eating or if I'm lucky i will be able to gather ingredients from different people to prepare a simple Gari because no one person wants to give all out beasuse they are "managing". This happened almost throughout my stay in senior high, so food had become something tight for me, even till now am still surprised how i managed to survive sometimes, well i guess its part of life's funny way of working it'self out.

Water was a really scarce resource at our school and that's funny because we also had a DAM near our school. Our entire school had 3 polyester tanks providing water for all the students which is filled once a week or sometimes once in two weeks or a month so i used to fetch 2 jars of water just dor drinking if i get lucky to join the queue to fetch the water in the first place. The place used to be always crowded everytime because everyone wanted some it even got to a point i had to skip classes to waiting in queue to fetch water and after fetching home my seniors and other rascals turns to misuse the water in my absence so that water never lasts. So i used to resort to drinking unfiltered dam water which would sore my throut for sometime but i cant stop because that was my only resort all because not everyone was so friendly with their waters so i had to go through all this and to top it of , in hammatarn season, i used to go to the dam to fetch water for bathing and set it down to use the next morning but others always use it instead with affected me so much that i have to leave for the Dam again at that early morning through bushes and trees to fetch water the cold water for bathing again ended up catching cold several times due to that.


My stay in senior high was a series of bullies, hardships, and difficult times. there is no word that can express the trauma and how depressed i was at that time but i managed to pull through to now at this point of my life. At some point at my stay, i was so depressed i even started formulating some bad and nasty taught in my head to make the hardship and stress end but God willing none of them were ever put in motion or achieved. I just want to say thanks to anyone who reads and to hiveghana for this contest which will help us talk about our trauma and see each others stories and sympathise with them. This contest is really great and we should have more intimates contents like this more often.

Thank You.

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