Belt Squats and why you need this accessory. [ENG] [SPA]

I love squats!
There are no doubts about the effectiveness of this powerful compound exercise and having a complete leg session depends mostly on squatting, when building strength and size this is king and a most.
But there's an exercise most lifters do not take seriously enough.
I'm talking about belt squats, a powerful movement we most give more importance.
There are few complications when doing this exercise, its technical characteristics aren't too advance. Of course, isn't a baby exercise either, so I advise you to look for some clarification videos and have a good look on the technique.

Executing this exercise correctly is a gold mine, specially when we are injured. Belt squats can keep you strong while you're recovering, adding some mass to your quads and keeping strength, greater glute activation is another great plus here.

Suffering any back and/or upper body injury can limit your capacity of having great workout due to pain or poor mobility and of course forget about squatting high or low bar without putting at risk of aggravating the injury.
Choose belt squats instead and hit that leg session, taking your spine, shoulders, and arms in general out of the equation.
Also, due to the great glute activation and hip extension you get, you may experience serious progress in your regular squat technique, even the snatch and of course those numbers going up, who doesn't like that?.

Maybe there's more about this awesome accessory exercise I'm not telling you here, but experience it for your self and in no time you will fell in love with it.
You don't have to go crazy with it, add a few sets between 10–20 reps at the end of your regular session and that's more than enough.
Rep range depends on your goals, choose wisely.

A todos nos encantan las sentadillas y si a ti no deberías hacer las pases con este ejercicio ya que es uno de los reyes de los multiarticulares.
No hay dudas de su efectividad y de las grandes mejoras en fuerza y ganancias musculares.

Pero, existe un ejercicio que muchos sobrevaloramos y tomamos muy en serio. Me refiero a las Sentadillas con sinturón, un ejercicio con muy poca dificultad en su ejecución y poca complejidad.
Ejecutado de forma correcta puede ser el santo grial en esos momentos cuando desgraciada e inevitablemente nos lesionamos.
Este ejercicio saca de la equación nustra esoalda baja, codos, hombros y espalda superior, enfocando el trabajo directamente en los cuádriceps, una enorme activación de glúteos y extension de cadera.

Incluir este ejercicio como parte de tu rutina de piernas puede marcar la diferencia y como ya te explicaba, cuando estas lesionado te permite mantener esas ganancias de fuerza y maza muscular que haz ganado.
Te garantizo que al incorporarlo no verás mas que mejoras.

De seguro hay cientos de detalles que me estoy pasando por alto sobre este ejercicio, pero te recomiendo que lo intentes y poco a poco te irás enamorando.
Tampoco no tienes que volverte loco, agregarlo a tu sesión de piernas 4 series de 10-20 repeticiones con una carga moderada es suficiente.

El rango de series y repeticiones depende de tus metas, escvoge ssbiamente.

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