Morning Ride Around Lake Taupo

I just finished a 155.943km cycling that lasted about 6hh:43mm:31ss !


The image is from one of the bigger climbs of the day.

We were entered to ride around Lake Taupo as part of the actual event in November 2021, and then it was postponed to today, which was then cancelled. The roads are open so there is no real stopping us from doing the ride. I don't think I would have been able to do this ride on my own and was grateful a friend organized for us to do this ride.


We started out at Kinloch with meeting us at the 60km to ride the last 95km with us. There were so many hill climbs with about 1800m in elevation climbed for the day. There was a lot of other riders out who had the same idea as us. Thankfully the weather also played nice with the ride taking us just over six hours.

Stay Strong Everyone!



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