Cloudy and windy for a first run

I just finished a 6.964km running that lasted about 0hh:36mm:51ss !


First run since end of October, 2 months without running! Or biking for that matter! Plenty of reasons, some actually valid, but as usual, the biggest one was laziness, I completely lost motivation. Of course, I didn't stay completely idle, we still went for plenty of walks with Kaia, and a few hikes as well. But that's clearly not the same. In my opinion, you can walk 10+ km a day, and still it won't really do anything for your running. And that's why for this run I decided to go easy and not too long. I started slow and stayed slow the whole way. No need to get completely burnt on my first run after so long. And my heart rate kind of shows it, even higher than usual, almost 180bpm average (it's higher than my theoretical max!). To add some difficulty, I am currently visiting my hometown in France, and unlike Michigan, it's never completely flat. I managed to avoid the biggest hills, but still found a few small ones on the way.

The pace was more uneven that I wanted, with a clear slow down after the first couple of miles. One hill was part of the reason, but also I was already getting tired. I did find a nice route though, along a small river, or stream rather. A little too exposed to the wind, but it's okay as once again I wasn't trying to be fast or anything.

Well, let's see if I can build on this new start in my training. The holidays and various celebrations may not make it easy but I will try. In the meantime, the table below really looks ridiculous. I will try and do better in January, I can't really do worse anyways!

SportsTotal (miles)Total (km)

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