When Your Gear Fails You- Surviving Mishaps On Stage


Hey there fellow musicians! So, I want you to imaging the scene: you're super pumped, adrenaline's rushing through your veins, and you're about to take the stage. But then, it happens. Your equipment decides to throw a temper tantrum right when you need it the most. Cue the panic, right? Been there, done that, got quite a few T-shirts. Let me tell you, dealing with gear failures is practically a rite of passage for us musicians. But fear not, my friends, because I've got some tricks up my sleeve that might just save the day.

Stay Calm and Carry On

First things first, don't panic, I know it's a cliche, but seriously, it's the last thing you need to do. Sure, it's frustrating when your gear decides to go rogue, but losing your cool won't make things better. Take a deep breath, channel your inner Zen master, and remember that you've got this. Panicking will only cloud your judgment and make it harder to troubleshoot the issue or find a resolution.

Prepare for the Worst

In the immortal words of Boy Scouts everywhere, always be prepared. That means having a backup plan for your backup plan. Seriously, redundancy is your best friend when it comes to live performances. Whether it's extra cables, spare instruments, or even a backup generator for outdoor gigs, having backups can be a lifesaver when things go south, because at some point it will. As a sound engineer, we would always carry some extra speaker cables, power and extension cables, even an extra computer and mixer unit, just in case.

I can't tell you how many times as a DJ that I would go to a club or event and something would be wrong with the house gear. It was inevitable and is why I stated carrying my own rigs much of the time, as much of a pain it was, I really never trusted someone elses gear. That leads me to the next topic.

Know Your Gear Inside and Out

Ever heard the saying, "Knowledge is power"? Well, when it comes to your equipment, truer words were never spoken. Make it your mission to know your gear inside and out. Familiarize yourself with every knob, button, and cable connection. The more you understand your equipment, the easier it'll be to diagnose and fix any issues that arise. Not only will you be able to troubleshoot on the fly, but it makes it easier to play at your best when you know how your gear operates.

Any musician worth his or her salt knows that their instrument is an extension of their body and mind while they are performing. And just like any other limb on your body, if something is not right, you will know it pretty quick.

Think on Your Feet

When your gear decides to throw a curveball, quick thinking is key. Sometimes, improvisation is the name of the game. Got a busted guitar string? Time to break out the acoustic or bust out an epic drum solo while your bandmate or sound guy handles the technical difficulties. Remember, the show must go on, and sometimes that means thinking outside the box.

This is why most major bands carry several extra instruments like guitars and such, because if something happens, they have spares on hand to save the day. You may have even seen it live at a concert, the guitarist may quickly make their way to the side of the stage then all of a sudden have a new guitar. Well, that could be because a string broke, or the pickups went out, or sometimes, they just want a different look for the next song. The point is to always be ready for anything.

In my days of being a traveling DJ, I would always carry some kind of small rig with me as a backup. As the digital technology improved, this became much easier to the point that my spare rig can all fit in an laptop bag. I will always have it hooked up to the sound board or main mixer as a just in case, or an a compliment to what I am doing with the other stuff. It gives you the best of both worlds.

Build a Support Network

You know that old saying, "It takes a village"? Well, it applies to musicians too. Surround yourself with a reliable support network of fellow musicians, sound engineers, and gear techs who've got your back. Trust me, having a team of experts in your corner can make all the difference when disaster strikes.

You may be in a spot where all it takes is a phone call to someone you know that knows more than you, or a local musician that might save the day by bringing you his gear for you to use during the show, and if you are a good person, you would throw that person a major shout out on stage as a thanks! It's good to have friends in many places!

Learn from Every Mishap

Finally, every gear failure is a learning opportunity in disguise. Instead of dwelling on the frustration, take a step back and evaluate what went wrong. Was it a simple technical glitch or a more serious equipment failure? What could you have done differently to prevent it? By learning from your mistakes, you'll be better equipped to handle whatever curveballs the universe throws your way in the future.

So there you have it, folks. Dealing with gear failures is just another part of the wild and wonderful journey of being a musician. But with a cool head, a solid backup plan, and a dash of improvisation, you can turn even the most catastrophic equipment meltdown into a memorable performance. Keep rocking on, my friends!

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