We all have them but some of them kills

(Please, am a biologist, this post is rated PG, PARENTAL GUIDANCE is advised)

Life and lies lay together,it all starts from infancy,no matter how hard our parents did their best,there is this in built hurge to lie,
Imagine the scenario of a child who may have done something bad,and mom ask..
"Junior,who spilled oil on the sofa?"
The first thing that comes to junior's mind is...
"Its not me ooo"

But true,it takes much courage to say that truth as mum will ask junior
"What did you say?"
"Am the one" he trots

A young boy once asked, "Dad,I lie so I can escape punishment from you,but you, why do you lie?
That question rings a bell right?

The statements above indicates that for the fact that we are imperfect humans,it SEEMS natural to lie,but is it?

Secrets and lies work in par in life, it is because a person wants to keep a secret so the next option is to lie to cover the secret.


When asked,a lot of people say
Some say
Yet others say that
"It depends"

Bingo, that's the point, YES, we must not keep secrets
NO we don't have to,and IT ALSO DEPEND on what is to be kept secret and who to keep the secret from,

Let's start from the later,
A person has medical complications and needs to see a doctor,she goes off quite well to see the doctor,she tells the doctor everything except the fact that she has discharge from her breast, it worries her that she is a victim of this,being that she is not married, not pregnant and a virgin,so she feels stigmatized
And refuses to inform the doctor,
What do you think,is that secret appropriate?
Surely no,
Or perhaps she doesn't want the doctor to feel her breast to examine the authenticity of the report.

Keeping secrets in such situation may be disastrous

How about a situation where a spouse attend to the sexual satisfaction of another person? Should it be kept a secret?
From the innocent spouse, NO!
WHY? A lot of my readers will probably say that's the worst thing to do,
Yes,I agree ,it is the worst but it is the best.

The scandal may have been a NATURAL response to do I mean? Suppose a man's nipple is sensually romanced, it causes a natural stimulation of sex hormones
Which the body will naturally react to,that's the point where self control comes in.

Or it may have been a deliberate act of the third party,in which ever case,the accused must not keep it a secret so as to avoid repeating the same mistake,it is better in a relationship, for your spouse to hear it from you than either to find out from another source or find it out himself,

When it is kept a secret, a whole lot of things that will rub the home of its happiness sets in,the accused lives all her life in fear,she will have to lie more to cover all other misdeeds,she seeks more explanation to give and at the end she will run out of explanations and divorce sets in leaving Innocent kids this suffer the consequences.

NO! We must not keep secrets because it is not a necessity in life.

I grew up to know of only five life's necessities viz:
Love and

Where does secrets fit in?

At this point, I should say that YES! It maybe OK to keep secrets and lie...woa woa woa!
Am not contradicting myself,remember we asked a question
And we started by discussing people's different opinion,

Am now saying that AT TIMES, when we are in life threatening situations, we can keep secrets,
Also our ATM pins are supposed to be kept secret not so? But from our spouse? NO!
From other third party? Yes!

The bottom line is:
The next time you want to keep a secret, consider who and what is involved.

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I am @sirmartinet

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