Covid in India - Beginning of The Apocalypse to Deaths Becoming a New Normal



How would you feel if you get to experience something that you have only seen in movies and read in history books? - A live holocaust.

Almost a month ago Delhi was gasping for breaths.

Hundreds of people died because a few hospitals ran out of oxygen for a couple of hours. And also covid-19 took the lives of thousands of others.

Grave diggers were working round the clocks. Horrifying images of people waiting in queues to cremate their loved ones chilled my spine.

Mass cremations.


Panic and fear was all around. Social media overflowed with posts asking for availability of ventilators and oxygen for their knowns.

I live in Haryana, which is a neighbor state to Delhi. A few cities of Haryana i.e Gurugram, Faridabad and Gaziabad surround Delhi and are a part of NCR (National Capital Region)

Being the capital of the country, patients were arriving in Delhi from all neighboring states in hope for a better treatment and availability.

Delhi NCR was clogged. All the medical facilities were running over 200% capacity.

People were hopelessly travelling from hospital to hospital in search of ICU beds.


At the same time situation was turning tragic in other parts of the country as well.

The spread engulfed the urban cities of most other states in no time.

Their medical infrastructure crumbled as patients rushed to the big cities from other parts of states to get a ventilator bed.


Things only went worse for next 10 days. More deaths and panic followed. And India slipped into nation wide complete lockdowns.

I am writing this in fourth week of lockdown in my state, extended till 1 June for now.

Situation has improved in some states but worsened in others. The second wave has successfully managed to penetrate in the rural towns and villages. Which have sheer lack of medical facilities. Only god knows how many more will die.



Since all of this started, people from all over the world are extending intensive support to India in every possible form.

Kinder souls are coming out in the country and stepping out of their way to help those in need.

Gurudwaras across India organized oxygen langars, to help patients on move with reducing oxygen levels, trying to find spare ICU beds in hospitals.


Countless people are helping by donating their life savings, providing food to the daily wagers, sponsoring medical supplies for poor or connecting them to other individuals and groups who can help.

India has received tens of millions of medical items in foreign aid, the official count stood at around 6 million on 5th of May. PM Care fund alone received $1.27 billion in relief donations from India and outside till 20th of may.



I have never seen so many people dying around me. The people I knew, the people I met a few weeks or months ago.

It took me some time to digest that this is happening for real. That this isn't just a news over tv or paper, this is something we are going through. And I'll never get to see some faces ever again.

It was terrorizing. Almost everyone I spoke to witnessed the death of someone they knew, someone they have met or even lived with.

Now being six weeks into this mess, death is the new normal.

I am no longer taken aback hearing that someone died. Deaths have become a usual sight and have made me resistant to all kinds of bad news.

Beside deaths, a lot of people have lost their jobs or have no business to return to.

Also, almost 22% population of India is below poverty line as per financialexpress, and 60% as per the standards of world bank - living on less than $3.2 per day.

Majority of poor are daily bread earners who live from hand to mouth. They have been left stranded without a survival income in this lockdown, and might have to find another livelihood after these tough times are over.



A few of the people I know were able to get world-class treatment but are still dead.

This pandemic had made me realize how fragile life is. And when the forces of nature strike, they do not care about who and what you are and how much money is lying in your bank account.

It is hard to find a dose of positivity when negativity is lurking all around you. But it is satisfying to see all the selfless efforts numerous people are making to save lives.

Plenty of people, governments, organizations, communities, NGO's from all over the world have contributed to the cause in their own capacities. And have proved that we as humans are capable of connecting with others at a basic level of humanity rather than just as citizens of a country or resourceful living beings.

I heartily thank and salute to everyone in India and outside for their efforts and unwavering support. A sincere thanks is the least I can do. A lot more people are getting treatment and lives are being saved because of you - So Thank You!

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