Update & Some weird birthday frog, I dunno.

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Haven't posted in a bit...

I've wanted to check in for a while, but as with everyone else, this year has set up major road blocks. After battling Mao's army of sock puppets, I got very tired of social media and deleted both Discord and Twitter. From there, work picked up. I even turned away thousands of dollars in work because I was just that busy... A sharp drop off in mid-summer, bursts of work until early November... and it's been below average activity for me. I'm very fortunate to have had client work during the down time that should make up for the loss.

This summer, I had a rib injury that made breathing extra painful. Less breathing and activity lead to pneumonia, which I seem to have survived okay. But buddy did I ever gain weight! So, starting yesterday I've been on the treadmill for FORTY minutes a day.

I just got some animation work in today for a huge online retailer, which will be good because holidays are boring and frustrating :)

Anyway, sorry for deleting my social and not telling everyone. Sometimes you tell everyone you're going to delete your social and then don't, making yourself look like a complete piece of sun.

It's like the wind is no longer in the sails

It's hard to art or animate when it feels likes dooms day is right around the corner, especially with all this Coronunism going on... but I still force myself to make art here and there. It used to be for money or comments, now I make stuff so I won't get overly sad :D

I have missed this site in a lot of ways, most here don't willingly agree to the rising tide of authoritarianism — whether it's from the Sock Lord or the creepy mofo elites.

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Full Version

Wanted to do some attempts at digi-painting.

This site is way more talented than I am, but why not just post something stupid for kicks!?


That's it for now!

I hope you liked this nonsense, but I don't understand why you would unless you like oversized anthropomorphic frogs. Have a nice day!

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