Why I have distanced myself from Hive (and no its not because of the price!)

Hi everyone! It has been a long time since I have posted on here and it seems a bit foreign to me. I could give you the same old story about how busy life has been and how much time Hive takes, but that would only be half of the story.

For me Hive is not taking the direction I think it needs to take. In the world we live in we have less and less attention, as peoples attention spans decrease. Take a quick look at Facebook or Instagram - the posts are getting shorter and shorter. There is a lack of this on Hive, and more of a focus on ´quality´. This is all good and well, but the everyday person doesnt have time to create quality content. Maybe we need to look at moving the focus away from the everyday user being able to earn easy coin by creating content - encourage only serious writers to produce content here. Steem/hive has a bad name for itself as somewhere that it impossible to make any good rewards.


I know there has been some initiatives for more short term content (I am out of the loop on how they are going at the moment!), but these can be ways to keep the everyday user more engaged, while still earning some small rewards. Additionally the everyday user can earn some small rewards through curation.

Surely some major changes need to happen as the price has been tanking for some time now - and even going down as the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum are rising. I know that the masses have some idea about Hive now, but keeping them here has always been the problem. Having some more ´social´ within Hive could also help - being able to find real world friends easier and chat to them, rather than just making virtual friends.

Just some thoughts. Hope you are all keeping well during these strange times.

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