Hive Business Card, Design Process and finalized design with two variants.


Finalized Result


Untitled design (1).png

Bold Version


Untitled design (2).png

Light Version

These are some of the designs that I landed on and of course, we could mix and match to make it a completely light version and vice-versa. I've added extra room on the header and footer on the second face of the card in case we need to add additional logos or texts.

Design Steps

1. Front Side

  1. Began by creating a background with a Hexagonal pattern with a drop shadow effect via Pattern Generator and adding it as a BG.

  2. Then I added the QR code generated from Qr-Code Generator, generated with a custom logo and HIVE logo color, I added a drop shadow effect to make it look like the QR is popping out.

  3. After that I went on to add a rectangular Object and set its color to white with transparency 75% transparency

  4. Added the text on top of that object to make it more readable, then I sent the whole thing behind the QR to the drop shadow to look nice

  5. Finally, I added a footer with the HIVE logo color, and added texts to give instructions, could use this pace to add links and logos too.

  6. The only difference between the Bold and Light versions is in the level of transparency

Your Gateway to freedom (1).gif

1. Back Side

  1. I used the same BG as the front page but with a different transparent level

  2. Then added the QR with a custom Discord logo and colors from the Philippines flag, also added the drop shadow effect to it as well.

  3. Then I added a header and footer element with one side, here we could add more details or logos too.

  4. Finally, added a Hexagonal element and the Hive Logo on top of that, I've added A drop shadow to the logo too.

  5. Here too the difference in variants only depends on the level of transparency.

Your Gateway to freedom (2).gif


  1. HIVE Logo from Crypto Logos
  2. Discord Logo from Icons DB
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