On rails

Straight and true, two words that could never really be applied to life. I can't speak for everyone of course, however I've never met a person whose life has run straight and true; That is to say, perfectly as desired. Mine included of course.

Life is full of unknowns that often skew us from desired course, and can even change our course completely, bringing us new destinations and journeys. No matter how hard we try to steer a straight line through life it is simply impossible.

I spent some time seeking that perfectly straight line and failed miserably. Now I set the destination (goal) and head in that general direction taking the steps (actions) along the way with the intention being to bring me closer to it. Invariably that journey begins to drift from the straight and true though, and I find I have to assess, reevaluate and re-plot the course to keep me heading in the right direction.

Life doesn't run on rails; It's fluid, flexible and ever-changing which is why we need to be also. We never know what may run us off the rails, a worldwide pandemic maybe...Who would have thought.

I believe I am successful in my journey if I am heading in the right general direction and am evaluating along the way to make adjustments as required. To hope for much more than this is a fools errand.

"The wisest men follow their own direction."


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