Continual improvement

I met with a friend on the weekend, she is busy preparing for her wedding. She's not the bridezilla type but she is stressed, panicked and a little out of control.

I managed to steer the conversation away from the wedding fortunately; Not because I'm disinterested, just because I think she would benefit from an hour or two of not thinking about it.

Later, I was thinking about how people over complicate their lives by trying to control every aspect, to create perfection in a world where perfection simply doesn't exist. Aiming for perfection is likely to bring nothing but disappointment. This is certainly true when trying to control something that is outside of a person's ability to control; Weather on a wedding day for instance.

It's just my humble opinion, but I feel it may be more advantageous to aim at making things as best as one can and not placing the pressure of perfection upon them. It leaves room for error, a margin for mistakes and the ability for a person to accept the circumstances as they present themselves; A contentment of sorts whether things went exactly to plan or not. Life is difficult to control and attempting to control that which is beyond our ability seems futile; Especially the weather on ones wedding day.

I understand that some say seek perfection and if one doesn't attain it excellence is achieved but I disagree. If anything, continual improvement is what someone should seek to achieve, not perfection.

My friend has a long way to go, the wedding is in April, and I hope she manages to control her stress and worry along the way. It's the best we can all hope I suppose; That we control the stress and worry throughout life and live it the best we can. It may not be perfect, but will be more enjoyable if we can do so.

Pursuing perfection will most often impede improvement.

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