Mediterranean courtyard

Evo još belih osunčanih kuća koje pričaju svoje svakodnevne priče. Stepenice kao klavirske dirke. Krovovi, biljke, štrik za veš, drveni prozori i lampe ...sve je kao poezija...
Uživajte medju toplim zidovima mediteranskih kuća ..

Here are more white sunny houses that tell their everyday stories. Stairs like piano holes. Roofs, plants, clothes rack, wooden windows and lamps...everything is like poetry...
Enjoy among the warm walls of Mediterranean houses..


Plave senke, kamenje trotoara, stari prozori, pozivaju na umetničko druženje...

Blue shadows, sidewalk stones, old windows, invite to an artistic gathering...


Boje koje sam koristila su crvena, braon, narandžasta, plava...

The colors I used are red, brown, orange, blue...


Neko mi je rekao pre neki dan: - divim se koliko ste hiperproduktivni, ali umetnici sebe ne forsiraju, njima je to kao disanje, kiseonik...

Someone told me the other day: - I admire how hyperproductive you are, but artists don't push themselves, it's like breathing, oxygen...


Još jednom delim noćne sate umetnosti sa vama, dragi prijatelji. Uživajte i ne zaboravite da je noć duga onoliko koliko vi želite...✨

Once again I share the night hours of art with you, dear friends. Enjoy and don't forget that the night is as long as you want...✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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