A Memorable Gift to a Special Friend

Hello Hiver’s, it’s your boy Sijhay again! I have notice that a lot of you likes my Charcoal Portrait Blog.


Since a lot of you liked it, I would like to share my Charcoal Portrait once again with guys, This Charcoal portrait is not only just a Charcoal drawing it is a very special drawing because it is my birthday gift and thank you gift for my very special friend. This friend is no other than Bea, Bea is my friend since Highschool year we talk a lot in school we help each other finish our homework together and also, we eat together when lunch break. we’re been friends for almost 8 years now we made a lot of memories and that makes it special because we have each other’s back. Since her birthday is near, I decided to give her a drawing that will last forever so that she can always remember me.


So let’s head first in my working place, this is my table guy here's where the magic happen charot... in here I work all of my drawings, assignment and other school staff. I have ring light as my source of light because I usually draw at night for the reason that it is more peace at nigh to work there is no noises,not hot and very comfortable to work with and no disturbing sounds. I find it pretty relaxing when working at night too. Also, I played some music in my laptop vibing with it and that helps me to relax and focus more or what I’m doing.


So let’s start our journey of our drawing, this is the reference that I want to draw guy, if you know bea is very pretty girl she has a very beautiful face and also she is a model of Auxtreme. The details of this picture are harder than you thought those patters are most likely to be the hardest to draw but we have to challenge ourselves for us to be able to improve our skills in drawing. Because not all the time our reference are going to be easy so Lets start.

If you notice here, I draw the feature of the face first the eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows in that way we can see if the drawing that we are making is accurate to our reference. Because a small changes or adjustment to our drawing can be a very big impact to the outcome of our portrait.


As you can see here guys in this part, we’re done with the face so let’s move on to the garment or in here clothing in this phase I was struggling to draw the lines, details and other part of her clothes because of the patters that imprinted on it. But we did our best to pull it out and as close to the actual reference because that’s what our goal is. It took so long me to finish the clothing and my back is hurting so much because I draw almost for 8hours straight here but we are determined to finish this drawing so that we can give this to our special friend.

We're almost done in here guys! were through with her face and her clothes now let’s proceed to her hair, when it comes to drawing of hair guys you need to determine where the hair is flowing. How the hair behaves and the grouping because hair is not only flowing at the same direction and also you should know how dark her hair is how the light hitting the hair and that is going to be your base for highlights. As for me I draw every strands of the hair for able it to be looks very realistic to the eye because if you only draw the hair with all black charcoal it is going to be flat to the naked eye there will no be contrast and that’s not going to look good.

Now we are Finish here guys hope you learn a lot and able to draw with me lets spread artistry in the world because art is very not only just a drawing it is a masterpiece that we express as an artist that how we express our love and appreciation towards the person or the things that we adore. The world is full or art you just need to know where to look for it because we live in the world that full of art even if you are a beginner in drawing you can learn and able to be a great artist someday because as -Young Ha Kim said “we are all born artists… almost everything kids do is art.”
We just need to be creative and imaginative to create our own kind of art, that’s all for today’s blog guys stay tune for the next blog thank you for the support and Im sure that Bea my friend will going to like our drawing.

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