On A Journey To Finish All 25-Pages

I have a colouring book -- Creepy Kawaii. I bought it off Amazon a few years ago during one of my creative phases, but never truly got around to working on it until very recently.

(The link, for anyone who is interested: https://a.co/d/iwoSj3H )

Lately I've been so accustomed to intricate adult colouring books, the ones with pages that take weeks to complete, that working on simplistic designs has been such a nice change of pace!

So, I've decided to take it upon myself to finish all 25-pages.

The very first picture that I ever did was this one of (and for) our oldest daughter, Kiva -- only one-year-old, but she was absolutely smitten with her likeness πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜ It was one of the very rare moments where you could see her gushing with pride. Although she may not have the gothic style just yet, I would say that I did a great job of portraying her on paper~

(Our oldest daughter, Kiva)

My second source of inspiration became our family pet, Boo 🐱 Boo has been a part of our family for a few years now, just a couple of months before Kiva arrived. She is so appropriately named because Boo loved to play hide-and-seek as a kitten πŸ˜„ Again, I did my best to get her likeness just right, right down to the markings of her fur.

(I'm really happy with how this one turned out! But looking back at it now, I definitely need to add shading to the curtains 😬)

(Our kitty, Boo)

This is the most recent drawing that I finished colouring πŸ‘Œ A couple of months ago our family suffered a terrible loss. It has taken a lot of healing; I have not dealt with something this emotional in a long time...

But there is a quote that has always come with it:

"After the storm, a rainbow will appear."

This picture is meant to represent that situation. A dark, ominous goat -- an ill omen -- travels over the rainbow, while the sun sets in the background. The dawn is coming; I know that our journey is not finished πŸ’—

(Before and after)

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