We Should Be Concerned About Cannabis For Adolescents


It turns out that there's a link between adolescent cannabis use and a thinner cerebral cortex and this is not just some concern, this is a wake-up call. THC, which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, appears to reduce dendrite connections in the brain and this affects how young people learn, how they handle stress and even how they relate socially.

Did you even know that? I'm not trying to attack anyone that uses cannabis, of course it has its good sides but the age at which you start using it is very important. Starting too early can cause the damage I'm talking about here.

This thinning of the cortex only occurs at a time when the brain is still developing itself or let me say wiring itself into an adult like brain.

Teenagers are already facing intense changes in their body at that point of this lives, so imagine those teens using cannabis and having their brain’s ability to adapt compromised.

The study backing my blog was led by researchers at the Université de Montréal and they used both human brain scans and mice models to find direct evidence of how THC impacts the brain structure. As cannabis becomes more potent and accessible in our society, we should not be ignorant of these impacts.

We really can’t afford to ignore these findings. The youth are getting used to it for various reasons and some are getting addicted to it. You would say medicinal purpose and I can't argue that but, ignorance can sometimes lead to destruction so we must be aware regardless.

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