God, man and nature: three mysteries to unfold

Greetings to my esteemed Hive family! It's another time to share with you the mysteries of life that you can't predict. It's your friend @faquan, hello from this part of the world.


The knowledge of God is ever refreshing when you discover whom he is. All men continue to live in the dark until they discover God for themselves.

For me, God is a mystery that the world needs to know. He's ever knowing and ever true. For those that don't believe that God exists, ask the dead who no longer think is truly he exist. The entire world and it's splendor shows that someone beyond the physical, God holds the universe together.

Do you know that your perspective about God doesn't change who He is, so whether you believe in him or not, know that God is God. Many get disappointed when they're in need and didn't find solutions for their problems at their own time. God isn't a man that you control, when ever He shows up is the best time for that situation.

Man is the living breath of God, although he lost this after the fall of man through sin. Why is man a mystery? It is simply because you can't predict man both the good, the bad and the ugly. It doesn't take many anything to change. That's why you don't give up on man at all, most especially the one that's a believer.

Don't conclude on any man or woman because it doesn't take God anything to change his or her fortune. A poor you see today can become so rich in a twinkling of an eye. I have seen Princes walk on foot and slaves ride on horses.

Nature is another mystery, it has a way of helping itself. Nature can become harmful to man when man steps beyond his boundaries. A river knows is bank but can cross beyond it's bank when man restrict it. Nature is beautiful and also dangerous and it's also God's instrument of punishing man for his evil.

We have seen several natural disasters that have swept high rising buildings and volcanic eruptions melting buildings and strongholds.

Nature heals and could bring good things to mankind.

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