Do The Extra Work

In the current global society that is marked by increased competition people are no longer able to work just enough to meet the set standards. It would also be important to go the extra mile in order to stand out from the rest of the crowd and attain the set objectives. Exceeding applied standard of measure may alter one’s personal or professional experience to the better.


An advantage of performing the additional tasks is that one leaves his or her competitors behind. If you do more that is expected of you often, then it becomes evident that you have a lot of passion for what you are doing. This can create a favorable image to your colleagues and superiors and as a result bring new opportunities and promotions in the career ladder. Therefore, it becomes easier for employers to succeed where an employee is willing to go the extra mile and look for ways and means on how best the employer can be aided.

However, one has to understand that besides gaining others’ admiration, he can enhance the desired abilities and learn more information. Thus, performing tasks beyond the limit, you develop yourself and leap ahead in experiences that you could never imagine. These can result to personal as well as professional enhancement, enhanced self efficacy and self esteem. When one takes up additional roles and duties within their line of work, it will be possible to learn new things thus making a firm contribution to the company.

Moreover, the extra work can also increase the level of satisfaction and feelings of accomplishment among employees. Towards the aim, it is sometimes motivating to do more than what is required from you so that you gain the pride of having done it. This can increase your motivation force, and can assist to motivate and compel you to achieve your set goals and objectives. Through setting goals and working and desiring for the best in order to achieve the set goals, one can gain meaning and meaning in their work and also attain higher satisfaction in their work and hence higher satisfaction in their career.

Yes, one may have to spend extra time and energy in doing the extra work, but the benefits that are accrued to doing them warrant that extra effort. Thus when you apply yourself beyond and above the normal call of duty of your job description, you are able to influence others, enhance on your knowledge and experience, and in the process, enjoy your work more. Therefore perhaps the next time you find yourself in a situation where you have a task or project to accomplish, go above and beyond your basic duties and get the benefits of your effort.

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