Control Nature over Weekends! (87.5%) - Deck Breakdown + 1550 Rating on Mythic.

Hello Guys!



A Great Weekend

Quick Thoughts (for deck, please skip these!)

This weekend I have been playing Mainly Control Nature. It has been an aweasome experience, and I recommend everyone who hasn't tried it yet, to do so!

I'm happy also, I beaten my earlier record of 1536 Ranked Points! Now, my newest record is 1550. Brothers I'm gonna tell you, what a ride has it been!

I've been facing monstruous dudes all along the way, and I just kept pushing foward no matter what happened. I needed to improve my deck, and my gameplay, and wich best way? I just needed some games.

Considering the stability and this deck winrate, I'd been able to win at least 20/25 matches by my statistics (80%). However to come up with this I ended up losing some, I was learning to play Control Nature and was only able to get me 15 wins!

If I hadn't lost those, I wouldn't improve on my deck and would learn how to play Control Nature never! That's why fewer wins in this weekend are OK though, I'm really excited with my new deck and looking foward to next weekends rewards :)


A Little Deck Contextualization

I have two new Legendary cards (I never even had added one single legendary to my decks aspite those earned by playing like Deuteria or Managarmr haha...) although I thought it was about time to invest some more...

As I really love this game, and I do not intend to stop playing it in the future I spend some of the tokens I got ($GODS) and some ETH and made it happen! All earned from my F2P..

But that's how real playa's should do right? So I thought I'd risk some of my earnings back to getting some more in the future. Man, if this isn't what gets someone going, then I do not know what that is!

I'm very proud of this deck I made.. Not only all the matches were played on mythics for me to getting these statistics, but this is my most stable deck with high winrate!


Yami Yugi's Control Nature Deck




  • Falling Star (0.0035 ETH)


Starting off with this one, falling star is a must-have on this deck. Because it can target-wipe most of the threats (control) while still helping to create a board of our own to get on latest stages.. (pressure)

  • Moon-Crazed Cyclops (0.00045 ETH)


Been a while I wanted to add this to my deck to my main "4-mana creature" slot. He is a self snowballer that the opponent has to deal with in order not to mess himself up!

  • Jaguar Staff (0.0085 ETH)


Man this is one of the cards I really wanted to have when I first started playing GU :). I bought two of them a while a go but here I could fit only one though! There are cards that I find more needed to the current meta.

  • Valewarden Minotaur (0.0014 ETH)


Yeah this dude is mad underrated.. He heals, backs us up for having 3 relics and always face-attacking creatures, can give us a random nature card and is both threat (high stats) and defensive creature... OP.

  • Enchanted Vines (0.0019 ETH)


I think this card is a must have in control nature. It hits literally like 2x the hunts damage, the difference is in its mechanics... I always try to hold it for as long as I need, to use it when the enemies start to snowball or something. Like a backup card.

  • Watchtower of Agrodor (0.0072 ETH)


In the beggining I had some troubles on knowing on when to play this baby here, from what I could experience having 2+ badgers on the field before playing it should be enough for it to be maintained on the field to the end. PS: Agrodor Protector may be the coice :D.

  • Sage of Renewal (0.0009 ETH)


After the updates we got on this one, I could even see people o midrange using it! Wich I think is understandable due to meta circumstances.. There are so many options coming out of this card, although I tend to use the 4 mana delved either to play "Best Friends" or any other creatures/badgers to populate the board.

  • Guerilla Gardener (0.0055 ETH)


The star of the deck man. 🦍 He is a gardener, and he is OP. Make sure to prepare the board to play him at 8 mana! So then you'll be able to make the most out of its effect and grow some free Vibrant Fruits haha.


End Notes


Feel free to use the deck if you liked it, and I hope it can help you to get some wins on Control Nature on Weekends! Overall I think it is very fun to play while very strong..

There wasn't really something that scared me on the queue on the weekend haha (asides from Clone Magic), and I'll be improvin this even more to use it in the future!

Thanks for your time on reading this! o/



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