[Gods Unchained] Tryharding Mage Deck

Playing mage with starter cards ain't easy.

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Since i learned about the flux gathering i have been trying to gather all i can. I have pretty short hours to farm it, since i work and got some extra stuffs to do. At this point farming with Mage God is a nightmare. Sometimes i will need 10 matches to get my 3 wins. Sometimes the win does not show up on the Flux gathering chart, so i might go for another win. I've lost almost 2 hours today to finish this. I feel bad, lol. I will from now on let the mage for last one.

Luckly i just got a good card to upgrade this deck that i didn't notice i had lol..


Choralis Rune Moth was probably my first legendary card. I tried a few matches with a new custom deck and this card. I could drop it twice. In one of the matches it survived well, i think it got me around 4-5 runes, lol. This Runes are way too strong. One of them gives +2+2 and frontline to any unit... One of them does 3 damage... they are just overpowered cards lol. And they will cost 0 to cast. Pretty happy with this card =D


Wrmybreath i guess is ok. I mean, you got 2 mana cost cards that deal 3 damage, some even 4. But i like to have this in my hand. I've used it to finish a few battles already. But mostly, i use it to clear units and keep control of the board.


I got a special love for Tracking Bolt. I just feel safe when i start the game with this in hand. Got 2 awesome options to help control the board, and the 3 damage option is pretty much enough damage to kill most of creatures you will see on turn 1-2-3. Starshard Bolt is cool. Pretty OP imo, but i rather prefer a 3 mana cost with god aiming possible, lol. I feel mage cannot kill the enemy through spells, and this would be cool, since mages do it.

and the final card that should get a mention is :


Do people use this ? i though it was cool cause it was legendary. Stats are okay. But it's special habilities doesn't look legendary awesome for me. Still, feels good to get him when you are almost or completely out of cards.

The Deck


This is the deck i am using right now. I added some bigger creatures in case i fail to control the board. But i keep using the main aggro strategy, trying to rush my enemy to death. It is a fun way to play but VERY VERY frustrating when you lose control of the board. You just won't be able to recover it in most times. Specially if opponent starts dropping high mana cost cards, then it is a completely gg. But if you can keep spawning cards and clearing enemy units with your spells, you might be able to quickly kill him.


I do not recommend you to use this. I am not a gaming advisor.


I brought a few matches so we can see the deck in action.

Match 1


First match was a damm big board control battle. Choralis Rune Moth really saved my ass in this match by flooding me runes. This was the first time i tried this card and was completely amazed. I really was not expecting such powerfull runes. for 0 cost ? thats a legendary one.

Match 2


Armor unit entered the game.
4 armor ? I got no 5 damage cards with 3 mana... I will need tons of boost in order to get a card with 5 damage to...

I was thinking... at least it's just a one attack unit...


BUT BRO IT SCALED SO FAST DAMM. i was not able to deal enough damage to my opponent, so i got burned. Seems like there are cards that add order to creatures.. That would have been awesome here. Another card i should add to my collection..

Match 3


Another lost here. We had a great battle for the board. Things were good, but he start droping some high mana cards, and i was keeping geting 1-2 mana costs only. Probably because this is 50% of my deck =[
Still, was a fun match, he played well, and i played poorly, like, really poorly.

Match 4


This one was a massacre. The picture shows all the units my opponent summoned. Looks like he was desesperated for a clear spell, but at turn 3 im not sure if there was much he could do. The rush worked fine. Felid Janissary and Shieldbearer did a great job here by helping me with some good trades !

See you all later ! Have fun while playing !

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all screenshots were taken by me.

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