F2P Light Mythic Weekend Ranked Legendary Pack Achieved! (17 Wins)

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A weekly recap of my Mythic Weekend Ranked experience, attempting to do a Free-To-Play (F2P) Gauntlet with all the Gods to show that they can all compete and get Legendary packs. Previously I’ve done Nature , War, Magic, and Death; this week is my third weekend with Light.

Weekend 16 April 1st - 3rd

I changed out some cards from last weekend after discussing with the originator of the deck on Reddit and I was finally able to get 17 wins! One of the things I want to highlight for this deck is that it uses all 3 God Powers depending on your opponent; this will be discussed in the Mulligan/God Power section. That’s 5 Gods done and 1 left (Deception) to finish off this gauntlet challenge!! :)

" "W12 Wins.png""

Prize (USD)$50$34.5$27.5$19$27.5$19$21.5$50$34.5$21.5$21.5$34.5

Here’s the deck that I used, costing 0.0200 ETH or ~$69 (nice). The cost will definitely drop as more people open Vexing Vicars and Militant Theists from core packs as they’re quite overpriced right now.

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These were the cards that I replaced for this weekend:


Onyx Nightblade ✔️Militant Theist – Onyx Nightblade was pretty conditional and has bad stats for its mana; Militant Theist is much more flexible


2x Dryder Sailweaver ✔️2x Dread Pirate – I had issues with my Light matchups and Dread Pirate provides a way to ping through Ward (Vexing Vicars and the warded 3/2 and 3/3s). It also provides a little bit of reach if you needed it.


Helian EliteAether Vanguard ✔️2x Penitence – Helian was too slow and often a dead card, and Aether Vanguard was fine but not enough for its mana cost. Penitence provides hard removal (plus a 2/2) that works great against big threats or frontlines. However, as I played a few games with it I believe Excommunicate is probably the better choice, as it can go through Ward and is only 5 mana.

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I definitely did better against Light this time, though I still have trouble with Aggro War. Crushed Nature, Magic, and Deception; the hard removal additions (as well as Imperious Smite) made the Magic and Nature matchups much easier, as now the big taunts of Magic and the value of Nature (Valewarden Minotaur) can be efficiently nullified.

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Mulligan and God Power Guide

One of the cool things about Light is that it has 3 useful God Powers whereas most of the other Gods only have 1 or 2. The GP is chosen dependent on your opponent:

Summon Acolyte - Magic

Heal - War

Lysander’s Honor - Light, Deception, Nature, Death

Summon Acolyte is great against Magic as you can keep putting down creatures to dry up their removal; it can be useful against Control War as well. Against Aggro War though, Heal is the best to ensure you don’t die to Slayer after you’ve taken the board. Lysander’s Honor is pretty outstanding; it renders broccolis and other 1-attack creatures useless without having to use a card. It provides better trades against Light as you can trade your 2/2 into their now 1/2 and plays well with Munosian Infiltrator. The best feeling though is when you Lysander’s a Guild Enforcer then Light’s Levy it!

In terms of mulligan, having a relic is hands down the best. It provides a lot of value, and even against an empty board of Control Magic for example, you can still whittling down their health and gain favor. Along with the relics, having a low cost archer helps too to take down creatures with 3-health like Black Jaguars or Tavern Brawlers. Munosian Infiltrator is pretty flexible as well. Vexing Vicar is great against Aggro War, and Light’s Levy is useful against Zombie Death, Magic, and Light.


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F2P Deck Analysis

This deck feels really powerful when you can start with a relic (and it doesn’t get destroyed). You get to control the board (and Sanctum) early and drop your big threats like Judge Envoy and Zealous March later on to close out the game. However, if you don’t control the board early on, it could be hard to catch up especially against Aggro War or Light. It’s definitely a great deck in the right hands but it may take practice.

Deck Pros

-Minimal RNG, deterministic gameplay

-Good early board and sanctum control with relics

-Great late game cards with Judge Envoy and Zealous March

-Useful God Powers to adapt to your opponent’s god

Deck Cons

-Hard to get board control early if you don’t draw or mulligan a relic

-No card draw so if you draw poorly at the beginning of the game it’s much harder to come back

-If you don’t draw your late game cards in the midgame, it could be hard to seal the game

-Playing Zealous March could lock you out of board space; if your opponent could ignores them, it denies you the chance to play any creatures on your next turn

There are a few upgrade options for this deck; generally though it’s hard to determine trading off the archers/pings for buffs so you’d need to experiment to find out how to transition this to a general aggro/midrange Light deck.


Sern, The Moderator 0.0088 ETH ($30) – Provides some healing, order, plus much-needed card draw

Highborn Knight 0.12 ETH ($417) – Probably the best Light card, good defence in a hard to removal package.

Canonize 0.0060 ETH ($21) – Really good buff card to take board control and keep a threat out. I’d probably remove the Ogre Archers for this.

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Going Forward

5 out of the 6 Gods done, which means only 1 is left! Deception will be the last one; I had previously tested a Hidden Rush deck but I feel like the best cards for that are not budget per-se, so I might go a more value-oriented route, but I feel the latter has a lot of RNG. We’ll see, this week I’ll be trying out some builds, let me know if you have any suggestions! I did open a couple of Witherfingers during this journey…

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Last Week's Rewards

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Some decent cards but nothing too exciting to report from these or the core packs.

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