Quest of Stoken : Awesome Review

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Hello my fellow hivians,
It has been a while since my last post. I cannot really give a better excuse than I have been busy for a while now. Almost missed a particular game review contest even for that matter, but I finally made time to review the game and made this entry. I also wanted to start reviewing games on my blog but for some reason, I never could really get to it. But hopefully, after this entry, I can pick it up from there. This contest is by OCD, a new game by Skatehive Community named “Quest for stoken.” Interested parties in this contest can check out the contest following the Contest link .

Quest for Stoken in a summary is an escape, action-packed game where you the player is represented by a skateboarder with a sword by character fighting through the villains in the dangerous cities, and aliens in space. All to make your way underground in search of a private key which will help you escape. One major fun fact about ”Quest for Stoken ” is that, this game is planned or visioned to be a play and earn game but not yet at the moment since it is still in the development state.

Lets dive right into the review mode. So excited, cant wait. So first of all we can visit the game page with this link Quest for Stoken.

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After l launched the game this was the page I was led to, which is the homepage so If you are following, this is what you have to see. So here we can realise that we need to click on Spacebar to enter the game.

Below the homepage was was a review section where users can leave comments and reviews or can also serve as a chatroom. There's also a discord channel link to join up to build the community.

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Yes, this game is currently playable on computers or laptops. Before I realised this I had tried playing it on my phone first. So lets continue to click on the spacebar to enter the game.

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So you can see how the game is after we clicked on the spacebar. So now we can continue to have a feel of the game. But first we have to get acquinted with the keys need to play the game.


SPACEBAR: this key is most important as we need it to jump over obstacles.
UP ARROW KEY: this key guides you on what to do at various points. like PRESS X TO LIGHT A BONFIRE.
DOWN ARROW KEY: this key in itself explains what it does. It helps you duck or avoid higher obstacles coming your way.
THE LEFT AND RIGHT ARROW KEYS: these keys are also responsible for the front and back movement of the character.
X KEY: this key is used to light bonfires during the game.
Z KEY: this key provides a shield to protect your character from enemies.
R KEY: this key returns you to the home page.
THE SHIFT KEY: this key activates the use of the sword. So if you want to use the sword you need this key.

My Conflictions

I encountered two conflicts when I was testing the game out.
The first one was the fact that the jump key was placed on the Spacebar instead of the Up arrow key. Considering that all the other arrow keys have a function, it would have been much more easier to have the jump key up there and maybe retaining the double jump key on the Spacebar.

The other confliction was that, to use the sword frequently I decided to hold the shift key while moving but after a few seconds a pop up appeared asking for Sticky keys to be turned on. This hence, causes a distractions in the game. So I would recommend changing the sword key.


Lets start!!!
I will be playing a few laps to have a feel of the whole game. So lets begin to see how good I could be at this game. So considering the first few seconds it has be going good. I move forward to set a bonfire and collected 10 coins.

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But my score was still 0 which meant I haven't done anything worth a point yet. So let's continue playing and see how it pans out.
Hurray"!!! killed my first monster and a weed plant which both earned me a total points of 119 . This tells me that, to earn points we need to do things like kill monsters, collect weed plants and more to score more points.

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So let's earn more score points : ). let's continue playing more and see more adventures. So as i went on playing, i got to a point where i had to make a huge jump buh at the first 2 tries i didn't realise but i finally made it .

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Once i made over and moved forward, i discovered a whole other world or should I say city. And in this city I was being thrown things which could kill me. This is where the down arrow key had more use as i had to duck to be able to escape the wrath of those things. I tried but couldn't fully escape them. i jumped on the cloud but was caught by evil birds.

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I was finally dead. I must say the game was really exciting especially the puzzling point where i had to figure out. I got caught up in the game to the point that i almost forgot about finishing the blog post. I mostly recommend this game, it's awsome now and it'll be more great when it's done.

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So this was my record going when i was killed. Had a total score of 2293. I must really say i was a lot of fun.

A few concerns i noticed while playing.

1. First, while playing the game, i notice a glitches but one really got me, and that's just after i transisioned into the new city. So mainly yeah the bugs are a big concern.

2. Another concern will have to be the difficulty level of the game. like i said early about the points i got to where i had to try multiple times to make it. This place could have been easy and helpful if there is a mode where you can select difficulty or need guidance through the game.
3. Another concern will have to be the part of the keys and we not being able to customize them to our comfort.

Even with these little concerns, the game has been most intriguing and awesome and i believe the game will be most interesting when these bugs are fixed. I love the game myself , i liked things like the background music and the game sounds and the challenges itself. I sure love a challenge. Hope you all also have fun playing it and enjoying it.

NB. All images are either screenshots from playing the game or made by me using Canva.

Thank you for reading.

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