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The Inkwell Weekly Prompt#7: A minute pass midnight.


I woke up with a start.
The entire library was shrouded in darkness, and silence met my ear. But I didn't move a muscle. I stayed as I was, head on the desk, eyes wide open. Something had woken me up. I was sure of it.

I've been working in the library for five years now, and I've been the librarian for three of those years. And I've come to love the job. In fact, I don't see it as a job anymore. The library is the place I run to when the rest of the world goes crazy. The smell of books has always had a calming effect on my soul.
I didn't sleep here always. I have a home with my husband, I only stay late at the library whenever he goes on one of his business trips. Like today.

I had clocked the library at about 8PM, and seen it was to early to go and stay alone on the big house. I decided to chill at my desk till sometimes around midnight. Our house wasn't far at all, and both library and our house were in an estate, so security wasn't an issue. I had brought out a book by Nora Robert to read, one of my favorite. But before I knew it, I slept off.
And now, I'm very sure something had woken me up.

Still not moving, I listened. Trying to catch every sound in the darkness. I got it a couple seconds later. It was the sound of window sliding open. I felt around on the desk for my phone, then I activated the flashlight. Shining it around, I studied my environment. My desk was so positioned so that form that point, I could see everything going on in the library in just one glance.
But the beam of my flashlight wasn't strong enough to cover the entire library. I stood up just as I heard a footstep.

"Who is there?" I called out, pointing my light in the direction.
Of course, I got no reply.

I hurried to the other side of the hall and flicked the switch. Expecting to see white light flood hall, I was greatly disappointed. The library stayed dark.
I knew then I wasn't alone, because I wasn't the one who had cut the power.
"" I know you're in here." I said out loud, trying to sound brave while my heart raced in fear. "Just come out and we can talk about this."
The door was just a couple feet away, I could run out and call for help. My phone was in my head I could did the emergency number and bring the police. I chose the first optim, dialing a number with my phone would deactivate the flashlight. And I didn't want to be in the dark with a potential killer.

So I hurried to the door, then stopped as a thought struck me.
"What are they here for? This is just a library, there's nothing of value they could possibly steel."

That's when I remembered the codex. A book on traditional medicine using African herb's and root's. It was said that information there could be used to cure any ailment. Including cancer, and it's value was worth millions of U.S dollars.

"No!" I gasped, unable to keep quite. It had been hidden here because this library was a small nondescript one. No light tech gadget, except the safe in which it was kept. No unwanted eyes would locate it. That's why they had chosen this library. It had been safe here for over eight months now, and I had been paid for keeping quiet about it. Seeing as keeping watch over such a high value book wasn't part of my job description.
So far so good, all had went well. Until tonight.

Before I could let fear change my mind, I turned around and began to run into the library. I had to stop the thief, I took a few steps, when I heard an explosion coming from the far end of the library.

"The safe!" I gasped as I began to run. With the beam of my flashlight leading the way, I zipped part the shelves till I got to the end of the hall where the safe had been. It had been hidden behind a painting. Apparently, the thief had known that, seeing as the painting lay a few feet away unharmed. But the same could not be said of the safe. It's door was hanging openly one of it's hinges, it's dial was ruined and its surface was black. Smoke was pouring off it.

"No..." I muttered as I ran to it. And looked inside.
The inside was also unharmed. The explosion had not gotten part the door. But the inside was also empty there was no codex. That was when I began to hear the footsteps, going away from me.

"Hey!" Come back here! I cried out, no longer caring about my safety.
I turned around the shelf in time to see the thief duck out of sight.

"You bastard! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

It was then I remembered I had not checked the window sound I had heard earlier. So it could still be open. I dashed back across the wall, zipping through the shelves, and turned the corner in time to see the thief jump through the still open window.

"No!" I screamed in anger, kicking the shelf beside me in frustration. I got to the window and watched the thief race off on the walkway, the codex safe in a satchel. I couldn't even tell if it was a male or female.

My breathing gradually slowed down as the fresh breeze blew against my face, I knew then I was in trouble. I had just lost a book worth millions of dollar's. How would I tell this to my Boss?
It seemed I would have to start worrying about finding a job once again. But I have a feeling that would be the least of my concerns.


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