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Whisky with death


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Whisky with death

He sat in the corner of the bar ignoring people that were trying to get his picture and autograph. He sipped his whisky as he waited for his guest to arrive, his cigarette burnt in the ashtray. The room was suddenly cold and he caught a reflection on his guest entering the restaurant and a grin crossed his face. The figure wore an all black suit and walked with a walking stick with the head of a raven. The figure sat on the chair in front of him and said,"Don't smoke it kills", as he looked at the cigarette and picked it up and took a puff. The figure continued, "I see you still know how to attract a crowd" , as he looked at the people outside his window trying to take his picture.
"They can never understand; I did all this for them", he said as he lit another cigarette and inhaled.


Willams sat as he stared at the figure in front of him, he had an emotionless face like nothing around him mattered.

He spoke in a calm tone with a thick voice, "I am here to collect what is owed", he said as looked up at me. Can I be given more time ? He smiled with an evil grin, "don't beg me, it makes my job harder", he said. "When I took the deal when I was a child, I didn't know it would come true". He checked his watch and said, "You can't eat your cake and have it ". He looked at the wall beside us and a doorway appeared and fell open. He looked up at me, "William it's not like you have been the nicest person all your life, we both knew that it was only a matter of time". He stood up and put out his cigarette and waited for me to stand as he gestured his hand towards the doorway, "After you ", he said. I picked up my cap and waved to the people outside my window for the last time and stood up and walked through the door on the wall as the figure followed me through.

People started to scream because Williams had fallen face flat into his food and collapsed.

They walked through the doorway into a hallway full of doors, he looked at williams and said where do you want to start from? Ooh I know why not New Mexico, disgust filled Williams face.

They walked into a door into a house that was on a farm in the middle of nowhere, young Williams sat on the beach singing and playing melodies on his guitar. The figure lit a cigarette and passed it to Willams as he put his hands in his pocket and held his walking stick. "You have always had the voice I would give you that ,'' he said.


The figure stood with Willams as they watched young Willams live out Williams' past.

Beside young Willams laid a box open with his passport and a paper where he wrote what he was willing to sacrifice for fame. Williams dragged his cigarette as he reasoned what had led him to this point of his life, his father had left him and his mother to fend for themselves and his music was not going at the rate he wanted. He dreamt to be a star, and he would accept nothing else. Young Williams wept the tears from his eyes as he sang this song;

                  He fell in love with a demon,
                  She began his favourite friend,
                  She promised to be with him in the very end
                  He knew what she was,
                  But promised to be faithful till the very end,

He took the box as he walked to the cross-road as he dug a hole and put the box and cut his hand and let blood drop into the box. He cried as he started to close the hole, he felt his body start to shiver. As he looked up and beautiful girl appeared in front of him." Her eyes were dilated and red", (she looked like someone under a strong influence) , she smiled then spoke with a calm tone, "You called and am at your service". She bit the under of her lips full with bright red lipstick, we will seal our deal with a kiss. Young Williams stood there shaking with fear that this woman looked like she was possessed by a demon. He went forward to the demon to give her a kiss. Williams looked at the figure and said, "I have seen enough it happened to me ", the figure snapped his hands and they appeared in the hallway of doors again.

The figure and Willams walk through the corridor filled of doorways


The figure looked at Williams and said,"Am here to collect what is due to me, Williams". "I know what your here for Death no need to rub it in", Willams said. "You came at a wrong time", he continued. Death said,"Was I supposed to send a postcard." You made your own choices Willams and that is what has brought us to this point ", Death said as he strolled through the corridor full of doorways.

They came to a doorway that was locked like a bank vault, as Willams looked above the door he saw a name that made him shiver, "Aday" boldly written above the door. Death looked at the tattoo under Willams wrist," here we are", he finally said smiling. Willams shakily smokes a cigar and it's so visible that his hands start to vibrate.

Older Willams

They opened the doorway to a room of Older Willams in an executive lounge of Gods hotels,on the walls where grammy and platinum awards and on other parts of the rooms around were filled with gold laced guitars and instruments immortalized by older williams, it was a world class room indeed, well organized with world class hand crafted swiss furnitures,
Girls who only God knew what they took lay around the room, they probably engaged in a lot of weird activities the night before. He stood in the midst of the room and stared at the big view in the glass room of the God's Hotels. They called it that name "God's Hotel", because they believed you could see God in the executive suite that sat on the skyscraper. He stood there as he lit a blunt in his mouth and inhaled and blew out.

Willams shivered as he watched Older Williams as he smoked cigarettes as he knew what comes next because this part of life has given him sleepless nights and hunted him in his sleep all the days of his life. Death looked with glitter in his eyes," ooh this is the interesting part".

Older williams had acquired all he wanted in material things , he had experienced everything he could in life both good and bad, he just felt empty, like there was a missing piece, he didn't feel fulfilled even though he and his next generations will never lack anything for the rest of their days if he had one though.
He needed a thrill, he felt isolated, then he decided to do something about it. He went out that evening alongside his friends to the skating arcade, he needed to feel alive.
Dancing to moonlight by xxx tanctation he felt free as ever, he felt like he was the only one there, he closed his eyes and felt the rhythm of the song.
Opening his eyes he saw a pretty and simple looking lady, it was obvious she loved the song too, cause she also danced like she was the only one there, she swirled and twirled in her skates effortlessly,her skin so radiant ,the lights shining down on her like an artist on a large stage. Older williams just loved her even from afar, he hadn't felt such for any woman in his life, he could get any woman he wanted,he was always good with women , being a smooth talker and a wealthy one at that , women came his way at ease, but he felt different just staring at this lady, even without talking to her he helt she would be exciting and would give him the excitement he needed at that time,
He danced his way towards her in the middle of the skating area, and asked what to speak. She put her hands on her lips saying shhh….and took his hand and continue to dance to the song, maybe she didn't want him to spoil the song for her, she going to listen her favourite song without disturbance. This shocked Older Williams but he went along with it anyway. After the song she straightened up and asked , what do you want to some? Older Willams asked with an expression somewhat? She opened a fanny pack strapped around her waist revealing different pills strapped and arranged in rows inside the fanny pack.

Death laughed out loud now," I wasn't expecting that ",he said. It's so weird that the only girl you are attracted to in a club is the babe that turns out to be the drug dealer, he finished as he sniffed due to laughter. Williams looked as he still admired Aday; they looked so young then.

He stared up at her with confusion in his eyes, this girl had just offered to sell him pills. He smiled with no judgment on his face, he looked at the way her brain worked so he said, "how much can I get for the UN". She looked confused and said, "What the hell is the UN?, I am sure I have never heard of it". He bit his lips now and said,"UN means your number ". She smiled and said, "Well am not for sale" and the rest was history.

Fast Forward now Death walked with Willams who refused to enter the room with him. He sat on the floor as he cried with his hands on his head in the corridor full of doorways. Older Willams held a figure who looked unconscious on his laps as he cried and made a phone call and panicked filled his voice as he cried like a baby.

Older Willams had become an addict of oxy and fentanyl, and Aday shared in his addiction. Aday has taken some of the pills and refused to wake up, he called the help line on the phone.

Death and Willams looked into another door of Older Willams on the floor of the hospital as the doctors tried to console him as he stared at Aday's corpse with a blanket above her face.

Williams looked at Death now with tears in his eyes," can you let me die in peace now".

Death closed the door and they walked to the end of the hall and he pressed the down key in the elevator door

The End.......

Thanks @miles101 for your addition of Creativity in creating of this piece. Enjoy what we have baked for you.


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