The energy of stars | The Ink Well Prompt #5



Well, I'm not good at telling stories, let alone my logbook. Today I found myself doing nothing on the ship. So I was allowed to take the day off. I remembered my past throughout the course of the day. In order for you to understand how I ended up here I must explain something.

In almost all existing universes are governed by four fundamental interactions, as average minds call the four elementary forces. Each is named as follows: Strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and gravitational force.

Now, the electromagnetic and gravitational force is what we somehow feel every day, even if we cannot see it, both cover large distances at a macroscopic scale. Having understood this, we will move on to talk about the two remaining forces. They act at subatomic distances and govern interactions between particles that form atomic nuclei. We will not go into more technical details. I will only add that nuclear force gives rise to nuclear fission energy, which disintegrates a nucleus to give rise to several nuclei that give off a lot of energy. This type of energy is very radioactive and harmful to humans, although in my world it is used as electricity.

Until a few years ago, companies, governments and top scientists were racing against time to find a way to emulate the energy of the stars. They wanted to get the technology to go into space, the one that would allow them to become more powerful and capable of dominating industry in the next century. Nuclear fusion energy, much cleaner and inexhaustible to produce electricity.

Until a few years ago, companies, governments and top scientists were racing against time to find a way to emulate the energy of the stars. They wanted to get the technology to go into space, the one that would allow them to become more powerful and capable of dominating industry in the next century. Nuclear fusion energy, much cleaner and inexhaustible to produce electricity.

I remember that at that time there were three great scientists close to reach the goal. Nuclear physicist Simen Topal from Turkey, she was really close, many than the others, her theories and equations contributed many ideas in my system. Then there was Jin Jee, a Korean particle physicist from C.E.R.N, for me he was the buffoon of the show, although partly his calculations allowed me to find a solution to produce fusion energy. And the last one, the beautiful Russian theoretical physicist Larissa Taravona, got every one of her theories of how a neutrino star system worked right and I was able to give her a similarity in my experiments. I did not give credit to any of them.

There was also a Japanese Koda Hotaka, a mechanical engineer, who never knew that he helped me create one of the mechanisms for the evolution of the energy industry. Not even when I created the fusion engines for the Gutenberg One or Two ships did he associate the similarities. Because of them and my inventive ingenuity, the race to find pure, pollution-free energy was finally over. The merit was all mine.

I enjoyed it for a short time, with that achievement I had many disappointments. Some would call it karma, but I never believed in the design of weapons, explosives, missiles, or any object harmful to humanity or the planet. Even so, my creative ingenuity was stoned and patent in each of the weapons used by both military and terrorists.

Even witnessing the first human on Mars did not allow me to erase from my mind the annihilation of many countries in seconds, or the thousands of living beings that perished.

In the end I isolated myself from civilization. I can be egocentric, arrogant and fall badly for my intelligence or wit, but I was never a thief of ideas or a murderer as many said in the media. I assimilated each proposal, separated what did not work and put into practice as a whole what I intuitively saw that worked. Okay, I never gave them the credit or the fame they deserved, but after carrying the weight of countless deaths I don't think they could have borne it.

The race against time ended with me. I, Zeng Yong, was the winner and also the cause of a new race. The annihilation of the planet began with my creation. A gifted Chinese, son of humble farmers, what a disappointment! Even today I am still depressed about my existence. Create a new race where no one will come out a winner.

Many years have passed since I was recruited by Commander Lee and left my universe. I am still egomaniacal, impulsive with words and overbearing, but I control my decisions better and always foresee the consequences of my actions.

I never had the courage to take a peek or even find out the fate of my world.

Zeng Yong out.


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The Ink Well Prompt #5

Four chapters, four stories that can be read randomly, regardless of the order.

LeeHuang Jie
Alex M5Nyota

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1 column
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