Christmas Gifts With Double Blessing.

As we approach December the season of sharing love and spending time with family and friends, we show our love for each other in so many ways, some of us show our love by giving our loved one's gifts. That been said let me tell my story about gifts.


Two friends Jack and Jane, who were friends from high school, went to the same school, church, but rolled in different circles before they became friends. Jane was the prettiest girl in their high school, she was the head of the cheerleader's squad in their school, while Jack wasn't that popular but was one of the most brilliant students, they became close friends after jack helped jane out of a test jam, a test which she as taken twice but didn't pass, being the prettiest girl in school, she was ashamed to ask for help because she felt if asked help she will be made fun off, but luckily for her Jack was studying for the same test, so she asked him to be study partners, the rest was history.

After some time they became best of friends, which help jack to become more popular in school than before, after a few years they lost contact but something happened during the Christmas season, they both took the same flight back home not knowing, when their bags were being packed, the airport attendant mixed up their gifts items for the holidays because they were wrapped in a similar way.

After they both got home they found out that the gift items were mixed up, Jack picked up his phone to make a complaint to the airport about the mix-up and was told that some also has made the same complaint earlier, and with their permission, they could share the contact information between both of them so they could exchange the gift items.

When jack called the person who had his gift items not knowing it was his friend jane, he didn't recognize her voice, he arranged a meeting to meet up with the person to make the exchange, on getting to the meeting he found out that it was jane, he smiles and inside of him, he jumped for joy, they both jumped for joy.

Being happy to have finally reunited after a long time, reuniting brought them more joy than their Christmas gifts which they got back.

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