Close your eyes || Prompt #67


The wind blew softly making the trees outside rustle. It was so peaceful and quiet just the way Jack liked it. Growing up he had hated the outdoors. Preferred to stay inside all day, reading or listening to his grandma's tales.

She always had plenty to tell. He smiled as he remembered the tale of the Dwendes, magical creatures that used their beauty to lure men out of their homes and they never returned.
He didn't believe any of the tales. Jack was a man of facts and numbers which was why he majored in Accounting.

Speaking of which, he had to get his ass out of bed. He had to meet his friends for drinks, Kelvin and some other guys from work.

He stepped into the bar, with girls working the tables. He had never been there before. He wondered how Kelvin found places like this.
He was led to the table his guys were. They ordered drinks and started talking about "stuff".

Honestly he would rather be home under his blanket reading but Kelvin said he needs to be more outgoing. He listened to them, inputting small sentences when necessary and that was when he heard "the voice".

He glanced at the stage to find the source of the sound and his breath hitched when he saw her. Blue eyes, dark hair in long curls that ran down her back, pointed nose, heart shaped lips painted red. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.


"Who is that?".

"I don't know, I've never seen her before", Kelvin answered as he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think, I've seen the woman who has captured my heart, I'm going to talk to her"

"But customers are not allowed backstage", one of the guys said.
Kelvin only shrugged and headed towards the area the woman had disappeared to having finished her performance.

Thirty minutes, then an hour passed by and Kelvin wasn't back. The guys got tired of waiting and left. He felt a pang of jealousy because if he wasn't back that means they were shagging up probably in her change room. He got tired of waiting and eventually he left Kelvin had lucked out because Jack was too damn timid

Except three days later he still hadn't heard from Kelvin. He didn't show up at work the next day and his phone was going to voicemail.
A week went by and there was still no word from Kelvin. Jack started to panick. He called the police and Kelvin was reported missing.
He went back to the bar the evening of the seventh day. There was one person Kelvin was going to see and he needed to talk to her. He bursted into her changing room. Security tried to stop him but he was a man on a mission.

"Where is he, what did you do to him". The woman looked at him confused, "Sorry sir but I don't what you're talking about"

"My friend, Kelvin, we were together a week ago and then he came back stage to see you. No one has heard from him since then".

The woman looked up at him, "Your friend will be alright as long as he makes the right choice by nightfall".

"What ​are you talking about ".
"It's not something I can tell you, I have to show you, please close your eyes"

Jack looked the woman bewildered. Why were the beautiful ones always crazy. She walked closer to him, placing her hand on his arm. They felt so close.

"Close your eyes, Jack". Wait how does she know my name but he found himself closing them. It felt as if his body was being lifted up and then he felt light, so light.
"Open them". He opened them and Christ, the place was beautiful. Like an alternate universe for everything beautiful.


"Where are we, what is this place".
"Welcome to Eldorado".
"I don't understand, how did we get here"
"I brought you here, just like I brought your friend here seven days ago, my name is Keisha and I'm a Dwende"

Jack looked at her shocked. His grandma was telling the truth. They do exist and this woman had brought him here to kill him just like she had killed Kelvin.
The woman laughed softly. "I'm not going to kill you and your friend is very much alive".
"So where is he?"

"I'm sure you've heard the tale on how we lure men from their homes with our beauty and how they never returned, Well the truth is we are the bridge between the human world and Eldorado. Men come to us begging to bring them here and when we do, they are given a choice, to pick one valuable item and return home with their memory of this place erased or stay for the rest of their lives with endless riches. But men are greedy and they always want more.

"Your friend has not made his choice yet but I've seen his heart and he will choose wrong. You can come with me, choose your friend as the item of value and you can both leave together. You want to save your friend and I'm giving you a way, besides your life is pretty boring. It could use a little bit if adventure".

"How do you know I won't go for the riches?"
"Because you're a good man, Jack".

Jack couldn't believe it. Magical creatures are real. There is one leading him down a path right now.
Keisha is a Dwende and she seemed to know everything about him.
They walked for hours, stopping occasionally to get to rest. Finally she said, "We are here".
"Here, where?" Jack only saw a large vast land.

"I don't see anything"

She smiled, "Don't believe everything you see".
Closing her eyes, Keisha did a chant and then blew breeze from her mouth and there was a castle like building in front of them. She led him in towards a ceremony happening in the castle.
She went straight to the center, bowing and gesturing for me to do thesame.


"Father, I have brought another one, but he doesn't want riches, his item of value will be his friend Kelvin"
The King's voice boomed, "Let the man speak for himself".

Jack stuttered terrified, "Your royal highness, sir, I uhm would like my friend back if you'd uhm consider my request sir".

"Bring in this friend he speaks of". Kelvin came in looking like he needed a shave and four months of workout. He glanced around the room and when his eyes landed on me, he looked relieved.
He King's voice vibrated through the walls,

"This man has chosen you as his item of value, do you want to go back with him?"

That was the fastest Jack had ever heard Kelvin speak when he agreed.
"Very well then, Keisha".
She stepped forward linking my hand with hers and placing something in it. I looked down, a necklace. She placed a kiss softly to my lips and whispered, "Never forget me Jack".

​Jack opened his eyes. The smell of drugs and antiseptic hitting his nose.
"You're finally awake". He looked up at Kelvin, "What happened, how did I get here?".
"You don't remember? you passed out at work after the day at the bar. Doctor said you overworked yourself".

​He glanced around the room. He sighed, It was just a dream but then he felt something in the palm of his hands. Opening his hand to inspect. It was a shiny necklace.
Keisha's necklace.


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